– We see that a joint path into NATO is still possible for Finland and Sweden and that we must now do everything we can to make it happen.
This is what the Finnish foreign minister, Pekka Haavisto, is now saying, according to the Reuters news agency.
The foreign minister also says that he has spoken with Sweden and that they agree to apply for NATO membership together. He adds that the “optimism” stems from previous talks with Turkey.
On Tuesday morning, he said that Finland must assess the situation if Sweden’s application is delayed. He came along the statement in the morning broadcast of the Finnish national broadcaster Yle.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that Sweden cannot count on Turkish support for a NATO application after the burning of the Koran outside Turkey’s embassy in Stockholm on Saturday.
– These demonstrators are playing with the security of Finland and Sweden, says Finland’s foreign minister.
Haavisto adds that it is still desirable that both Sweden and Finland join NATO at the same time for reasons of security in both countries.
Turkey provoked by Sweden
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Foto: Burhan Ozbilici / AP
The Koran burning on Saturday has created new problems for Sweden’s NATO application:
– Those who allow such blasphemy in front of our embassy can no longer expect to get our support for NATO membership, said Turkey’s powerful President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after a government meeting in Istanbul on Monday evening.
According to Haavisto, the protesters’ aim is to provoke Turkey and influence the opinions of citizens and politicians. People in Turkey are “shocked and angered” by the protests, and they are delaying Turkey’s willingness to negotiate.
Erdogan does not accept that the demonstration is part of Swedish freedom of expression.
– If you are so concerned about these rights, then it is primarily Turkey or the Muslim faith that you must show respect for. If you do not show that respect, then unfortunately you cannot expect any support from us in the NATO issue, Erdogan continued.
Outside the Swedish consulate in Istanbul, angry protesters set fire to a Swedish flag.
On Saturday evening, a Swedish flag was set on fire outside the Swedish consulate in Istanbul.
New calls
According to Haavisto, Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO trip will be postponed at least until the Turkish election, i.e. until mid-May.
He also says that Finland, Sweden and Turkey are trying to agree on a new joint meeting in early spring to assess the situation.
Sweden answers Finland
After the action on Tuesday morning, Sweden’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billström (Moderaterna) stated in a written comment to Svenska Yle that Sweden has been in contact with Finland:
– We are in contact with Finland to find out what they really mean. Sweden respects the agreement between Sweden, Finland and Turkey on our NATO membership. We have done that so far and we will continue to do so, writes Billström.