Home » today » Entertainment » Fines of up to 3,000 lei for drivers, even if they have winter tires. What should not be missing from the car

Fines of up to 3,000 lei for drivers, even if they have winter tires. What should not be missing from the car

Romanian drivers who do not comply with the specific rules of the Highway Code on these days risk fines of up to 3,000 lei.

A rule from the Highway Code shows that it is not enough for the car to have winter tires during the winter. Drivers must also have other essential tools with them in case of heavy snowfall, in order not to risk being covered in snow.

These days, according to the National Meteorological Administration, heavy snow and blizzards will be recorded throughout the country.

The road code makes it very clear that all drivers have an obligation to equip their cars properly, especially in the cold season.

Those who do not do this and do not have in their car all the accessories provided for in the Highway Code risk receiving work FINES as scathing as possible, according to the law.

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Drivers, obliged to equip their cars with winter tires, snow chains, sandbag and shovel

The first snow of this season has appeared throughout the country, so drivers must prepare already, so as not to be surprised by the traffic police.

Romanian drivers are obliged by law to equip their cars not only with winter tiresbut also with snow chainsand that’s not all.

According to the Road Code, at the first snowfall, the lack of winter tires can put drivers in the situation of being fined, as a result, it would be advisable for car owners to prepare ahead of time.

At the same time, drivers are required by law to have a sandbag and a shovel in the trunk during the winter which will be used for snow removal, if needed.

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Those who are stopped in traffic and checked, but do not have these accessories, risk being sanctioned with a fine of 9 and up to 20 points. The traffic police can also detain the car’s registration certificate, with drivers receiving a replacement proof without the right to drive.

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After a simple calculation, given that one fine point is 145 lei, drivers who do not comply with legal obligations may end up being sanctioned with fines from 1,305 lei to 2,900 lei.

The Highway Code also establishes that “failure to keep the windshield, rear window and side windows clean at all times of the motor vehicle, agricultural or forestry tractor, if this restricts or blurs visibility while driving” is a contravention.

This can be sanctioned by the police with a fine provided in the III class of sanctions (from six to eight points-fine), respectively between 870 and 1,160 lei.

The same fine applies to those who drive at night or during the day, in fog, heavy snow or torrential rain, with a car without lights or signals corresponding to.

If drivers drive with dirty registration numbersthey risk fines from the first class of sanctions (two or three points-fine), i.e. 290 or 435 lei.

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