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Fine tuning for soybean fertilization in the 2024/25 campaign

By Andres Grasso, of Recover SRL

Soybean fertilization is a fundamental practice to maximize crop yields and quality in Argentina. However, the 2024 campaign presents several challenges that producers will have to address to ensure efficient use of fertilizers.

One of the main challenges is the cost of fertilizers versus price of grainswhich has increased significantly in recent months. This has led many producers to think about reducing the doses applied or not fertilizing, which can compromise the crop’s yield potential. Another challenge is the heterogeneity of Argentine soilswhich vary widely in terms of fertility and nutrient retention. This makes accurate application of fertilizers difficult, as crop nutritional needs can vary considerably between different areas. We saw in the latest publications of Fertilizar AC that Argentine soils continue to lose fertility and additionally we are currently faced with acidity restrictions more frequently.

The proposals that Recuperar offers to be successful in this campaign are, on the one hand, our soil conditioners based on Calcium Sulfate, Magnesium and Carbonates for correct acidity limitations and affect nutrient availability in the soiland on the other MicroCanphos Soybean starter fertilizers with improved efficiency to increase nutrient use and reduce cultivation costs.

To obtain the best benefits, producers can adopt various strategies, such as:

-Soil analysis: perform soil analysis to determine the specific nutritional restrictions of the crop and correct the limitations with Calcium Carbonates, Calcium Sulfate and Magnesium.

-Variable fertilization: use Microcanphos Soya precision technologies to apply fertilizers in variable doses according to soil needs in different areas of the field.

-Biostimulants: use Canpholiar as an alternative or complement to chemical fertilizers, to improve the metabolism of soybean plants and promote growth to cope with stress events.

By addressing these challenges and adopting strategies proposed by Recuperar, Argentine producers can improve the efficiency of fertilizer usereduce production costs and maximize soybean yields in the 2024 campaign. Our products are developed based on the reality of our soils, we are the national industry, with our own quarries of quality minerals.

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