Carpet checks for motorists: you can’t go a millimeter wrong. Find out how to stay safe.
When we talk about roadside checks, we are not just referring to random checks, but to a well-structured network of bodies responsible for maintaining order and security on our roads. Here in Italy, the traffic police, the carabinieri, the municipal police and the financial police are among the forces responsible for monitoring and sanctioning transgressors.
Specifically, those who do not respect the Traffic Laws. Each of these bodies has specific skills which can sometimes be confused as there are too many particularities regarding the police bodies in the Bel Paese. However, their common denominator is the power to issue fines.
Fines are not only a deterrent for incorrect behavior, but also represent a real economic burden for those affected, from occasional transgressors to distracted or reckless drivers. However, not always there economic setback remains in the pockets of those who commit the infringement.
Who is to blame?
It’s a classic: the very young person who feels invincible while driving, without worrying too much about respecting the rules or paying attention to documents in compliance, he gets a fine but his parents pay it. Unfortunately, newly licensed drivers are often unconscious or pay little attention to the consequences. According to some, this happens for a simple reason.
Almost always, the car is not registered in their name and the administrative responsibilities burden on whoever holds actual ownership of the vehicle. Furthermore, many kids don’t realize the real impact of a fine on a family’s finances, leaving mom and dad with the burden of shelling out hundreds of avoidable euros. Luckily they are not all the same.
Driver driving (Source Pexels) –
Everything in order, but I’ll fine you anyway
Even those who keep everything in order, from insurance to road tax and inspections, are not exempt from fines. How come? The glasses are to blame. If your license indicates themandatory to wear corrective lenses while driving, know that forgetting them can cost you from 81 to 326 euros in fines. And not only that.
Art. 173 of the Traffic Laws speak clearly: “The holder of a driving license who, when issuing or renewing the licence, has been prescribed to integrate his organic deficiencies and anatomical or functional impairments by means of lenses or certain devices, has the obligation to use them during the guide.” Anyone who drives without glasses, despite having to wear them, is considered a threat to road safety.