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“Fine Easter Weather Predicted Across Norway, Perfect for Skiing and Sunbathing”

Do you plan to go skiing or sunbathe by the cabin wall this Easter? Then you’re in luck, because the meteorologists are predicting high temperatures and little wind this week.

The month of March brought snow, freezing temperatures and bad weather for Norwegians all over the country. according to the monthly report from the Meteorological Institute the temperature in March was actually 2.9 degrees below normal on a national basis.

Got skin full on the ski slope

But to the delight of both cottagers and city dwellers, spring is finally on its way, and the Easter week will offer fine weather almost all over the country.

– It looks like there may be a good deal of usable weather, so to speak, and some sun, meteorologist on duty Unni Nilssen tells Dagbladet.

The meteorologists also report that several parts of the country have more than a meter of snow, which should give good opportunities to get in a couple of last ski trips this season.

Sun and fine weather in the south

Nilssen says that Southern Norway will be the big Easter weather winner.

– In southern Norway, there will be a lot of sun and fine weather. There probably won’t be much cloud, except for a day or two every now and then.

She says that, like the rest of the country, Maundy Thursday may be the one exception.

– Then there may be some precipitation and thus a little more cloud cover.

– Milder in the north

According to the meteorologist, the mild weather will arrive in northern Norway this week, but the weather will be slightly more variable than in the south.

– Up in the north, there is some precipitation at the moment, and some rain and sleet will probably come in from the sea. But it will be a little milder in the future and not as cold as it has been.

She says that the western coastal areas will see some wind in the next few days, but will still be able to enjoy the fine weather.

– There will also be a slight increase in wind on the Vestland coast and further north tomorrow, but it will probably be nothing more than a small gale in any case.

Snow showers on Maundy Thursday

The easterners will also be able to enjoy the sun in the days ahead and will mostly have the same fine weather as the southerners, but Nilssen says that Maundy Thursday will be able to offer some snow showers.

– Thursday can be a bit exciting, then a small front with cold air will come in, which can bring a few snow showers. So the temperature in Eastern Norway will drop a bit temporarily, but will rise again on Good Friday.

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