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Findings, challenges and outlook > White collar criminal law | Attorney Ferner

The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) has presented a comprehensive analysis of the current situation in Germany in the 2023 Federal Situation Report on Organized Crime (OC). The figures show that OC continues to pose a serious threat to public safety and economic stability. The situation report provides a detailed insight into the structures, activities and financial impact of criminal networks, emphasizing the increasing complexity and internationality of OC groups.

Key findings and current developments

  1. Increase in investigations and high damages: In 2023, 642 organized crime proceedings were conducted, a slight increase compared to the previous year. The financial damage caused by organized crime activities amounts to around 2.7 billion euros, which is double the amount in 2022. Particularly high damage is recorded in the area of ​​cybercrime and tax and customs offenses.
  2. Significant role of violence and armament: Violence remains an integral part of organized crime. The use of violence played a role in 35% of organized crime cases, and 343 suspects were proven to be armed. The availability of firearms significantly increases the potential for escalation and poses a major threat to public safety.
  3. Challenges of encrypted communication: Around 24% of OC cases involve the use of encrypted communications. The increasing use of encryption technologies by criminal networks significantly complicates investigations and represents a major challenge for law enforcement authorities.
  4. High degree of internationality: Two thirds of organized crime cases have international connections, either through the crime being committed abroad or through cooperation with foreign organized crime groups. This underlines the need for close international cooperation to combat organized crime.
  5. Money laundering and financial aspects: Money laundering activities were identified in 33% of the OC cases. The criminal proceeds amount to around one billion euros, while only around 83 million euros could be temporarily secured through asset seizures. This shows the difficulties in uncovering and confiscating criminal assets.
  6. Use of insider knowledge and influence: For the first time, targeted attempts by organized crime groups to influence people outside of criminal structures were recorded. In 97 cases, the use of insiders was proven, who supported criminal activities through their positions in government or economic areas. This form of infiltration represents a direct threat to government and social structures.

Outlook and recommendations for action

Combating organised crime requires increased efforts at national and international level. In particular, the following measures are necessary to meet the challenges:

  • Expanding international cooperation: The global nature of organized crime requires increased cooperation between law enforcement agencies in different countries. Sharing information and conducting joint investigations are crucial to effectively combating criminal networks.
  • Strengthening cyber and financial investigations: Given the increasing use of encrypted communications and complex financial transactions, the capacities of law enforcement authorities in the areas of cybercrime and financial investigations must be strengthened. The use of modern technologies and specialised teams can bring decisive progress here.
  • Improved prevention measures: In addition to prosecuting crimes, preventive measures should also be strengthened. This includes raising public awareness of organized crime methods, creating incentives to report suspicious activities and protecting potential insiders from influence.
  • Targeted fight against money laundering: In order to remove the financial breeding ground for organized crime, effective measures to combat money laundering are essential. This requires both stricter legal regulations and improved cooperation with the financial sector.


The 2023 Federal Situation Report highlights the persistently high threat posed by organized crime in Germany. Organized crime groups are becoming increasingly professional, using modern technologies and international networks to achieve their criminal goals. Combating these structures requires not only determined and well-equipped law enforcement agencies, but also close cooperation across national borders. This is the only way to ensure the safety of the population and minimize the economic damage caused by organized crime.

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