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Finding the Golden Mountain in Congo, is this really a sign that the end of the world is near?


Findings gold mountain in the African Congo, it suddenly caught the world’s attention, including the Indonesian public. Many associate this with omens Doomsday it is already near. Is that right?

It was reported that the discovery gold mountain in a village in South Kivu Province, Congo, it has made Congolese people flock to the red hills. They dug with makeshift tools to collect the gold ores.

Also Read: This is the sequence of events leading up to the Great Doomsday

Is it true that this is a sign of Doomsday as stated Nabi Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم since 15 centuries ago? In the Islamic perspective, Rasulullah has indeed announced the emergence gold mountain at the end of time as small signs Doomsday it is already near.

Let’s look at the following Hadith of the Prophet:
From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:

La tqvm alsah until yhsr Euphrates Al Jabal de zhb, yqttl public peace, fyqtl de tomorrow mouth, tsh vtsvn, vyqvl tomorrow rujul minhum: Who come lly think Vic Acuna

“The Doomsday will not happen until the Euphrates River (Al-Furat) dries up so that it appears gold mountain. Humans also kill each other to fight for it. Out of every hundred people (who fought over it), ninety-nine were killed. Every one of them said, ‘I hope I am the survivor.’ (HR Muslim No 2894)

In the narration of Imam Al-Bukhari it is mentioned: ” Doomsday will not happen before the Euphrates River dries up and reveals the ‘Golden Mountain’ that drives humans to war. 99 out of 100 people will be killed (in battle), and each of them said, ‘Perhaps I am the only one who will survive.’ “(HR Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet mentioned that among the minor signs it occurred Doomsday is the drying up of the Euphrates River in Iraq and the emergence of a mountain of gold. Humans also kill each other to fight for it. The fact that today the golden mountain is found in the mountains of Congo, not in the Euphrates River which has dried up as the Prophet said.

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