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Find the chocolatier faster – View Info – 2024-08-05 02:46:14

/ world today news/ Since they continue to caress/drool over Tusk’s word, let’s remember one of his statements, here it is: “No one has given you anything for free”.

It is a highway phrase, far beyond the needs of a ceremony glittering with courtly talk.
Nobody gave us anything for free? Really?
Well, even the freedom to talk nonsense was thrown at her for nothing.

Let’s not go too far back in time: 28 years ago, the communists staged a coup, which they presented as the beginning of “change” and then played all the tricks of the dead fox.

The other night, I heard on TV an exalted woman boasting that after November 10, 1989, the communists were dying of fear.
From whom, interestingly – from Hristofor Sabev or from Yolo Denev, not to mention the lapatsala from the SDS?
The communists twisted their numbers, then they easily won the elections, then they elected a president, then they briefly handed over the power to a political scoundrel like Phil Kennedy/Dimitrov – just enough to feed the greed of people like Kostov, etc.

And further – what did we conquer ourselves?
During the time of Simeon Brokera, we were brought into NATO, during the time of Stanishev – into the European Union, because that was what the Great Solitaire commanded.

By the way, we joined NATO after Kostov’s rule, which will go down in history as the Era of the Great Robbery.
Is this what Tusk means when he says that nothing is given to us for free?

The “change” happened through the TV report on the overthrow of Zhivkov – completely for nothing, at least for today’s politicians, who would throw up their arms to applaud Tusk.

Of course, some things happened here as well, there were feeble attempts at conditional resistance, there were also intellectual tricks, individual people somehow messed around – but even now they would be telling jokes under the covers if Gorbachev had not sold the Empire.
With 100% price reduction.

And this is the problem: they always throw something at us for free, and finally the tariqats ride the lie.

Well, now – what are we able to achieve on our own, except to hold out the pan for another begging.

We are waiting for our gifts one by one.
We unite somehow-temporarily-with words-with words when the “third gender” is thrust upon us, for example – not that we are so interested in this scourge, but rather as a reflex of our traditional seirjilak.

But that will never happen, such an idea cannot sprout in the barrenness here.

Our people will continue to fight for places in kindergartens – to push their children there, and then what will happen to them, how they will corrupt them there – they do not care at all.

During recent rallies in Thessaloniki on behalf of Macedonia, a Greek said: “We don’t want to divide History!”
A simple, clear, soulful phrase, coming straight from the people’s soul.
We never heard anything like this when the Macedonian mockery of our history was/is going on, and we will never hear it, because the people’s voice is not interesting for television.
He is stunted for this reason as well – he understands that he is not wanted and stops.
And even if someone says something like that, they won’t let him go – dear, let’s not offend Zaev, for now.

Instead, the same day, after the report from Thessaloniki, they put on TV one who complained that he couldn’t find a “chocolatier” / this one is probably someone who makes something out of chocolate/. He changed three people – and they still weren’t readable enough.
He was going to import a chocolatier from Moldova!

You see an unprecedented prosperity – our economy has advanced so much, there was no unemployment that you can’t even find a simple chocolatier.
Hey, look for it faster, so that the population will finally get better and the fantasy communism will finally come, and now yours.

That Greek said he didn’t want them to share their history – and here we share the truth as we please. We do this for nothing.

The quarrels surrounding the Convention are more interesting because of the persistence of Padishaha/Boiko, so far expressed mainly through his valkyries Ekaterina Zaharieva and Tsetska Tsacheva – Tsacheva as the guarantor of failure.
This stubbornness of Boyko can further make him lonely – and that’s when he is at his most active.

Recently, he has been repressed by the pathological flattery of some media – it is so extreme that it even seems like some kind of conspiracy against him, like a collapse by flattery.

Boyko is presented as “air and water for every living thing” – was that the joke about friendship with the Soviet Union, which was also handed to us for free?

What about Juncker?
He said that Bulgaria has almost overcome corruption – while in the Parliament the deputies, who got nothing for nothing, were arguing about the vote of no confidence demanded because of this same corruption.
Schizophrenic work, The people will drive him completely crazy.

Again Junker said that “Bulgaria is his inspiration” – as long as we remember that since time immemorial our leaders, especially Zhivkov and Boyko, have been kings in bewitching their guardians.
Juncker especially behaves like a chocolatier – that’s how he sugarcoats us with compliments.

In general, some people behave with History like cuckolds who brag about how great lovers they are.

They have already stopped talking about the revision of privatization, now they have taken out the new chewing gum – the lesson on communism for tenth graders.
And what anti-communists immediately crawled out.
I watched two ladies in “History of BG” – the topic was about the communist concentration camps – they were so repulsively heated that they did not seem to realize that today’s young people do not at all reflect such ecstatic pains.
They remain indifferent and even mildly amused, but the pity is that the suffering of thousands of camp inmates is also trivialized.
Because of this, the “History of BG” page on Facebook remained indifferent – two days later, only 140 people had liked the program in question.

One of the ladies said that Tsar Boris did not live in the luxury that Zhivkov lived in – and only reminded the viewers to start counting the properties that Simeon now wants.
Comprehension of history, even that – let alone compassion for the victims – cannot be elicited with ignorant aggressiveness.
Ecstatic propagandists have no chance today.

The topic of “History of BG” was about the communist concentration camps – but in the end there remained the painful implication of the unwillingness of the so-called right-wing people to render justice, even when they had all the power /Kostov’s cabinet/.
But they used it to change the laws and unimpededly carry out their stealthy privatization – what camps and campers, who will deal with them.

After all, the frame is still important here.
Kenneth Clarke had an essay on the frame and the picture: how sometimes the eye becomes more obsessed with the frame, pompous-beautiful, and forgets the picture itself, however wretched it may be, however masterfully she has done it.

Now the big question is who will chew/pre-chew the subject of communism to finally offer it to the children – as in the African jungles they chew the food in front of the foreigner-guest and then serve it to him.
A lovely abomination.


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