Home » today » News » Find out where you can receive the third dose of the coronavirus vaccine in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Find out where you can receive the third dose of the coronavirus vaccine in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

remember that today it’s time to movevehicles, pay parking meters andavoid fines. in 15 minuteswe talked about everything I promisedof traffic time in “atawakening”.In fact, New Yorkers arefiled to apply the third doseof the coronavirus vaccine,leaves more than 1,000,000infected in new york yeahhas a problem in the systemappointment from today. toknow the details we go inI live with Isabel Peralta whohospital in queens. isabel, verygood morning, we hear you.Isabel: very good days, youI tell that new york is already passingcoronavirus since thepandemic here in the country,also new york cityaccumulated those cases accordingto the most recent informationthat has been accumulated herein the big apple since I wasconfirmed the first case ofcoronavirus sincecoronavirus on February 292020.vaccination sitesmanaged by the cityNew Yorkers the third dose ofthe pfizer and modern vaccine,the health department of thecity ​​reported that allthey need a third doseshould schedule an appointmentas soon as possible to receive thesame brand as your twofirst injections. thethird dose is distributed withoutit will not be necessary to showdocumentation of your state ofhealth before receiving it. nowwell, who should get vaccinatedwith this third dose?Well, patients who havecancer patients withtransplants you should receivepatients with elulasmothers, immune patientstake medications thatweaken the systemimmune. However, thejoe biden’s roomprepares to announce thatAmericans who don’treceived vaccinations fromcoronavirus, they should receivea booster injection 8months after beingfully vaccinated. topossible booster dose nowill be available mid orend of september afterthat the administration offood and medicine fdagive full approval totwo-shot vaccines.this ad can be producedso soon this week afterthat it will be confirmed that thecases continue to increase allthe country and also in the city andis attributed to the cases ofhospitalizations to the variantdelta.

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