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find out where it is already accessible in Lorraine

Marketed since December 2020, 5G was first deployed in Paris and the largest cities in France (Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lille, Marseille, Nice, etc.). The technology is now arriving in cities of “intermediate” size, including several in the Grand Est.

Metz and Nancy already well covered in 5G, Épinal and Thionville are getting started

In the region, Metz is a leader in 5G with 54 transmitters deployed and open for commercial use as of April 1, 2021. That’s just Nancy or even to Strasbourg (yet already well equipped with 34 antennas each). In these three cities, the 5G network is already accessible almost everywhere with at least one of the four operators. The municipalities of Woippy and you Ban-Saint-Martin also saw 5G arrive, in April.

It is also possible to tap from the 5G network in the sectors of Thionville, Yutz, and to Epinal, only with the operator Free for the moment.

Why is Free Mobile the only operator present in these cities for the moment? In fact, out of 1,013 5G antennas deployed in the Grand Est region, 784 of them (more than 75%) have been installed for the operator Free. The other operators have deployed far fewer transmitters for the moment: 128 for Orange, 87 for Bouygues Telecom and 14 for SFR.

The difference seems immense between Free and the “others”, but it must be qualified: the antennas of Free are almost all old 3G / 4G transmitters which have been updated to be able to offer 5G “low frequency. “(700 and 800 mHz) … with speeds far from those that can be achieved by a 5G” high frequency “(3.5 gHz).

Free offers greater 5G coverage in the Grand Est, but…

While Free currently offers the most extensive 5G coverage in the region, “the four operators are advancing at almost the same pace on the deployment of 5G high frequency“, reveals Benjamin Gervais, founder of the comparator of mobile network and internet offers zoneadsl.com. The specialist estimates that by the end of the year 2021, “the forty largest cities in France [dont Nancy et Metz, ndlr] will be covered in 5G high frequency 3.5 GHz by the four French operators “.

Discover the map of 5G sites opened by each operator in the Grand Est region:

The “5G race” will intensify even further for the four operators who market it in France. In particular, they have undertaken to cover two thirds of the French population with a 5G mobile network by 2025, and to switch to “100% 5G” by 2030.

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