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Find out the details of the formation of the National Mental Health Council

Law text National Council for Mental Health However, it will be formed by decision of the President of the Council of Ministers, chaired by the minister in charge of health or his deputy, and by the composition of each of the :

١One of the deputy premiers of the Council of State, chosen by the Prime Minister .

٢Secretary General of the General Secretariat for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment .

٣Head of the Central Department of the Technical Secretariat of the National Mental Health Council .

٤One of the directors of the psychiatry departments of Egyptian universities, chosen by the Supreme Council of Universities .

٥One of the first public defenders, chosen by the attorney general .

٦A sector head representing the Ministry of Social Solidarity with experience in social work, to be selected by the Minister responsible for Social Solidarity .

٧Head of Central Nursing Administration in the Ministry of Health and Population .

٨A coroner with experience in mental health, chosen by the Minister of Justice .

٩A representative of the National Human Rights Council, chosen by the President of the Council .

١٠Director General of a psychiatric hospital in the Ministry of Health and Population, chosen by the Minister responsible for health .

١١The President of the Egyptian Psychiatric Association, or whoever delegates him among the members of the association .

١٢A professor of clinical psychology at an Egyptian university, chosen by the Supreme Council of Universities .

١٣One of the Armed Forces psychiatrists, with a rank no lower than colonel, chosen by the Director of the Armed Forces Health Services Department .

١٤One of the Ministry of the Interior’s psychiatrists, no less than colonel, chosen by the Ministry of the Interior .

١٥A representative of NGOs dealing with mental illness, chosen by the President of the General Federation of NGOs and Institutions .

١٦One of the social workers working in the field of mental health, chosen by the minister in charge of health .

١٧A representative of the public safety sector, chosen by the Minister of the Interior .

١٨The Syndicate of Doctors or its representative .

١٩A representative of the Private Sector Chamber of Healthcare Professionals for mental health hospitals, chosen by the Speaker of the Chamber .

٢٠A representative of the regional mental health councils, chosen by the minister responsible for health .

٢١Chairman of the Egyptian Medicines Authority .

٢٢Head of the Fund for the fight and treatment of addictions and abuses .

٢٣Secretary General of University Hospitals .

The council can make use of the help of anyone it deems expert and specialized without having the right to vote in the deliberations. The council appoints a technical secretariat and a secretariat of the council and of the secretariat. Their work is regulated by resolution of the Minister concerned with health. .

The Council meets at least once every three months, or at the request of the President of the Council or one third of its members. The executive regulation of this law specifies the quorum of its meetings, the methods for issuing its decisions, the method to vote on them, and the declaration of the financial treatment of its members.

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