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Find out the best time of day for weight loss exercises

Early morning exercise may be impossible for some, but scientists have concluded that it is the best time for those who want to lose weight.

Swedish scientists stated that exercising in the morning is one of the best things a person can do if he wants to lose weight, according to the British Daily Mail.

Although the study of Swedish scientists, which reached this conclusion, was conducted on mice, it is beneficial for humans.

Mice make up the majority of the animals being tested, given that their genetic and biological characteristics are close to those of humans.

The scientists studied the biological processes in these rodents, which exercised their physical activities in the morning and evening.

They observed that mice that were physically active in the early phase of their activity (corresponding to morning in humans) had a higher metabolism (the conversion of food into energy).

Physical exercise causes the body to release hundreds of signaling molecules that promote health in various ways, such as improving sleep quality, memory, body functions, and metabolism.

The scientists watched how these signals emerged in two different groups of mice, depending on when they were physically active.

The first group of mice ran on a treadmill in the morning, while the other group did the same thing in the evening.

Later, scientists studied blood samples from these mice and examined their brains, hearts, muscles, liver and body fat.

The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The scientists found that the genes involved in the breakdown of fats and energy production were significantly higher in mice that exercise in the morning, indicating that they have a significant effect on the metabolic rate.

The metabolism process determines the rate of the number of calories that a person burns, and therefore when this rate is high, the person loses more weight.

The biologist participating in the study, Jolene Zerath, said that the results indicate that exercising in the morning can be more effective than exercising in the evening, in terms of metabolism and fat burning.

However, I mentioned that more studies are needed.

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