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Find out how pike caviar contributes to a healthier life

Pike is one of the most popular fish in the Danube, and is an important source of food for Delta residents.

Pike can be found in freshwater throughout Europe, being very adaptive, provided it finds rich vegetation. There they can hide to hunt their prey, but it is also where they are deposited pike caviar every year from March to May.

What are real hard pike caviar?

When small, pike feed on tiny insects that live near lakes. The pike can stand still for hours, waiting for the perfect moment to attack its prey. When it is ready, the pike rushes at an incredible speed that offers no chance to its victim. Adult pike no longer need to hide their vegetation, they can stay in the open water, representing the nightmare of any other fish and even birds. No other fish attack pike except freshwater catfish.

A male and a female are needed to obtain pike caviar. The difference between them is quite difficult and only if you have the necessary information. The adult male pike reaches a maximum size of about 90 cm, while the females can exceed 1 m.

When it comes to real eggs (or hard-boiled eggs), we mean the eggs produced by female fish. In the specialty stores you can also find soft caviar (milk), which are produced by male fish and represent their semen. Any type of caviar is nutritious, but when it comes to pike caviar, we are really dealing with a culinary delicacy. Pike eggs are large and yellow and are compared to sturgeon eggs, which differ only in color, say some enthusiasts.

Peach caviar consumption is a habit that can be the secret to a healthy life. They are an incredible food, rich in omega 3 and important micronutrients. They are similar to cod oil, in terms of benefits, only they are tasty, and their consumption is really satisfactory.

Another advantage of these pike caviar is that they are ecological, overfishing has depleted the natural populations, which is why it was necessary to regulate this activity by law. Between April 9 and June 7, ie 60 days, it is forbidden to fish for pike in Romania, with certain exceptions, such as border waters. Here, the ban is valid for only 45 days. Recreational fishing during the prohibition period is punishable by a fine and the withdrawal of the fishing permit for 90 days. Commercial fishing during this period is punishable by fines of up to 10,000 and a ban on fishing for 1 to 3 years.

Consumption of pike caviar is more beneficial than nutritionally. We are talking about one of the few food sources that contain vitamin D. Along with eggs, pike caviar is a great supplement, especially in the cold season. Also, omega 3 and vitamin D support each other, the intake being much richer when both are found in the same food. The two important components in peach caviar work together, because vitamin D is fat-soluble, and the body can absorb and use it much more easily.

Vitamin B12 is also present in peach caviar preparations, which is an important component of mental health and brain development. The intake of selenium, magnesium and iron completes the benefits of this delicious food, represented by peach caviar preparations.

Buy products only from trusted locations

Because they are considered by many nutritionists and doctors as a super food, the consumption of caviar is a real bust of minerals and vitamins important for the proper functioning of the body. The full range of products in this range can be found at Deltaica.

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