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Find Answers to Question 6 in Class Theme 9 Sub-theme 2: What are the Similarities and Differences between Comets and Planets?


Find Answers to Question 6 in Class Theme 9 Sub-theme 3: What are the Similarities and Differences between Comets and Planets?

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We learn about thematic books for grade 6, theme 9, sub-theme 2, curriculum 2013 Outer Space Objects and Their Secrets.

One of the materials is about other objects, that is planet and comet. Who knows what the difference is comet and planet?

If you don’t know, see the answer key here, let’s go!

Also Read: Find Answers to Questions in Class 6 Theme 9 Sub-theme 1: Order of the Planets from Nearest to Farthest from the Sun.

Similarities and Differences between Comets and Planets

According to Indonesia Dictionary (KBBI) comets are celestial bodies that circulate around the sun, glow like a star, have a bright center, and have a long tail like a fog.

While the planet is a celestial object that does not emit heat or light and moves around the sun regularly.

Comets and planets have something in common, that is, both of them are celestial bodies moving around the sun.

In addition, comets and planets also cannot produce their own light, but reflect sunlight.

Now we discuss the differences between comets and planets.

Even though they both have orbits, comets and planets have different orbital shapes. Comet orbits are longer and more oval in shape.

While the planet’s orbit is more rounded than the comet’s orbit.

Planets also usually have major constituents, such as rock, ice, gas, and others.

In terms of size, comets are usually much smaller than the planets in the solar system.

Comets have a light that is shaped like a tail when they are close to the sun. This happens because the comet’s structure, which is usually made of ice, turns into gas.

Also Read: This is the order of the smallest planets to the largest planets in the solar system

Examples of Comets

– Komet McNaught

Passing through in 2007, Comet McNaught was referred to as The Great Comet Of 2007 because of its extremely bright light.

Besides being very bright, this comet also has a long and beautiful tail, friends.

Unfortunately, this comet is a non-periodic comet, which means it only passes once.

– Comet Halley

This comet is one of the most famous comets among the comets that have ever crossed Earth.

This is because Halley’s comet is one of the brightest comets and most frequently crosses Earth, which is once every 76 years.

Edmon Halley, the discoverer of Halley’s comet, stated that this comet had passed in 1531, 1603, and 1672.

After being photographed using a black and white camera in 1910, Halley’s comet crossed again in 1986 and will cross Earth again in 2062.

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–Komet Hyakutake

As the name implies, the comet Hyakutake was discovered on January 30, 1996 by a Japanese astronomer named Yuji Hyakutake.

Even though it was discovered in January, this comet is in the closest distance to Earth in March 1996.

This Hyakutake comet is also one of the comets with the brightest light, lo.

Examples of Planets

– Mercury

– Venus

– Earth

– Mars

– Jupiter

– Saturn

– Uranus

– Neptune

(Author: Sarah Nafisah, Tyas Wening)

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