During the first mission of the CEMAC high-level delegation for the preparation and organization of the Round Table in Paris on November 28 and 29 with a view to mobilizing financing for the second program of priority integrating projects of the Cemac, partners have already expressed their commitment.
According to the report of the said mission, the French Development Agency is prepared to provide technical assistance in the organization of the Round Table, to contribute to the financing of the program and to advocate with the European Union and the Bank. European Investment Bank (EIB).
In the same vein, the EIB has given its agreement in principle, we learn, to support CEMAC in mobilizing financing and implementing the second program of priority integrating projects, in particular for eight of the projects relating to the development road and rail infrastructure and the two projects relating to the electrical interconnection.
The European Union, for its part, has expressed its interest in four projects, namely those relating to the development and asphalting of the Garoua-Boulaï-Baboua road on the Cameroon corridor, the construction of the extension of the railway between Ngaoundéré and N’Djamena (Cameroon-Chad), river and port development for navigation on the Congo River and its tributaries (Congo-Car) and support for the integrated development of the timber industry in the Congo Basin (Cameroon- Congo-Gabon-Car-Equatorial Guinea).
Blend Finance, an instrument for mobilizing investors, is, for its part, motivated to assist and support the Copil of Pref-Cemac in mobilizing financing for the second program of integrating projects with Islamic finance.
However, in order to make a proper assessment of the various projects, the partners demanded the transmission of the technical documents of the thirteen projects of the second program of priority integrating projects of CEMAC. This would allow them, for sure, to come to an objective opinion on the projects that they wish to include in their respective portfolios, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to confirm funding amounts during the Round Table in Paris.
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