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Financial Support for Private Economic Development: Drafting Policy Measures and Implementation

“We are stepping up efforts to study and formulate financial support for private economic development policy measures. At present, the first draft of the document has been formed and will be issued after further consultation with relevant departments.” At 3 pm on August 30, the People’s Bank of China held a financial support for the development of private enterprises. Ma Jianyang, deputy director of the Financial Market Department of the People’s Bank of China, said at the meeting.

On July 19, the “Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy” was released, which continued to optimize the development environment of the private economy, increase policy support for the private economy, strengthen the legal guarantee for the development of the private economy, and strive to promote the private economy to achieve high 31 specific measures are given in terms of quality development, promoting the healthy growth of private economic personnel, and strengthening organization and implementation.

Ma Jianyang introduced that after the release of the above-mentioned opinions, the People’s Bank of China hastened to study and formulate policies and measures for financial support for the development of private enterprises. Pay close attention to policy investigation and research, hold symposiums many times, listen carefully to the opinions and suggestions of financial institutions and private enterprises, and study the framework and content of the document in depth. In the process of drafting the document, adhere to problem-oriented, goal-oriented and result-oriented, systematically summarize and sort out the typical experiences and practices of financial institutions in various places, existing problems and suggestions, and focus on the pain points, blocking points and difficulties in the service process of private enterprises. Highlight the need for financial institutions to eliminate ownership discrimination, implement the two unswervingly, and focus on improving the sense of acquisition and satisfaction of private enterprises’ financial services.

Ma Jianyang said that the opinion draft mainly proposes a number of targeted policy measures for financial support for the development and growth of the private economy from the aspects of increasing the input of financial resource elements, giving full play to the role of multi-level capital markets, facilitating cross-border financing, strengthening policy incentives and financing support, etc. The first is to clarify a goal; the second is to make good use of both international and domestic resources; the third is to unblock the three financing channels of stocks, bonds, and loans;

In terms of goals, he said that it is necessary to continue to improve the loan treatment of private enterprises, and strive to match the financial support for private enterprises with the contribution of private enterprises to economic and social development. There is still a certain gap.

“We hope to take this symposium as an opportunity, as a new turning point, to gradually approach the goal in the future. We require financial institutions to formulate annual service targets for private enterprises, increase the weight of support services for private enterprises in performance appraisal, and strengthen Technology empowerment, expanding the scale of credit loans, and increasing support for private enterprises.” Ma Jianyang said.

In terms of making good use of both international and domestic resources, Ma Jianyang said that on the one hand, they support the introduction, improve cross-border investment and financing and capital account facilitation policies, expand cross-border financing of high-tech and specialized new SMEs and domestic reinvestment of foreign-funded enterprises Related pilots. On the other hand, it helps to go global, supports private enterprises to carry out pilot projects of domestic and foreign currency capital pools of multinational companies, encourages financial institutions to carry out cross-border RMB “first-opening account” expansion activities, and provides high-quality private enterprises with trade foreign exchange receipts and payments facilitation services.

At the same time, Ma Jianyang said that in terms of unimpeded financing channels, monetary policy tools such as re-loan and re-discount will be implemented in terms of loans, and financial institutions will be guided to strengthen docking visits, promote financial product and service innovation, and continue to increase credit to private enterprises; On the one hand, promote the expansion of private enterprise bond financing support tools to increase capacity and improve efficiency, expand the scale of private enterprise bond financing, encourage and guide institutional investors, especially banks to increase the allocation of private enterprise bonds; in terms of equity, support private enterprises to go public and Refinancing, promoting the positioning of the regional equity market through the private equity market, actively playing the role of local government special guidance funds, and improving the investment exit mechanism.

In addition, Ma Jianyang emphasized that it is necessary to give full play to the role of the Federation of Industry and Commerce as a bridge, deepen cooperation and docking, promptly push the list of high-quality private enterprises with markets, benefits, and good credit to financial institutions, and establish and improve the system of financial management departments, financial institutions and the Federation of Industry and Commerce. Normalize the communication and cooperation mechanism, strengthen policy support such as positive guidance, information sharing, and incentive compatibility, and meet various financial needs of private enterprises in a timely and efficient manner, such as financing, intelligence integration, and business integration.

“In the next step, we will further revise and improve the document according to the relevant spirit of this meeting, and pay close attention to the issuance and implementation of countersigned by relevant departments, and do a good job in the publicity, interpretation and implementation of the document, strengthen follow-up and supervision, and ensure that various policy measures are implemented in a timely manner. ” Ma Jianyang said.

(Article source: China Business News)

Article source: China Business News

Article author: Du Chuan

Original title: Continue to improve the loan treatment of private enterprises, and the first draft of the policy document for financial support to the development of the private economy has been formed

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2023-08-30 07:00:00
#draft #financial #support #policies #measures #development #private #enterprises #formed #issued #soliciting #opinions #relevant #departments

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