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Financial situation of Oberstenfeld: Budget leaves no room for maneuver – Oberstenfeld

Corona was also the keyword with which Meder opened his budget speech: “What is there to say about a Corona household that leaves no room for the councilors. Which is far from balanced, whose investment program is as big as before the pandemic and which cannot be approved by the District Office. “Oberstenfeld was hit harder by the crisis than other municipalities, he stated, because they started from a worse level . “Now in the crisis we have to service interest and repayments for current loans with new loans,” he made clear. And he saw “a time bomb with several detonators” in the 2021 budget: the unclear costs for the school renovation, for which no offers were yet available; the assumption that one can make profits by selling land in the building areas without delay from lizards or other imponderables; the “incalculable access from outside” as in the new regulation for barrier-free bus stops. Addressing the building authority manager Melanie Zimmer, he said that you should only plan as much as you can implement so as not to arouse false expectations.

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