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Financial Services Authority Limits Financing Distribution of PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia

CNN Indonesia

Tuesday, 24 Oct 2023 12:12 IWST

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) limits the distribution of financing using the PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia buy now pay later (BNPL) scheme. Illustration. (iStock/FreshSplash).

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Financial Services Authority (FSA) limits the distribution of financing under the scheme buy now pay later (BNPL) PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia.

The restrictions on financing distribution are stated in SR-1/PL.1/2023 dated 05 October 2023.

Deputy Commissioner for Supervision of Financing Institutions, PMVs, LKMs and other LJKs, Bambang W Budiawan, revealed that his party implemented restrictions because the company did not carry out the supervisory measures requested by the financial services industry referee.

“By imposing restrictions on certain business activities on the above mentioned Financing Company (Akulaku), the said Financing Company is prohibited from carrying out business activities of distributing financing to both existing debtors and new debtors with a BNPL scheme or similar financing, including those whose financing is distributed through a scheme. channeling nor joint financing,” said Bambang in an official statement, Monday (23/10).

Furthermore, Akulaku was asked to carry out corrective actions.

These improvements are contained in the plan which has been responded to by the OJK in the Financial Services Authority Letter Number S-78/PL.11/2023 dated 05 October 2023 regarding Response to Action Plans regarding Special Supervision Status.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia Efrinal Sinaga admitted that his party was still taking steps to improve the product paylaterher.

“In its implementation, we are committed to fulfilling all provisions regulated by the Financial Services Authority. We prioritize running our business within a legal and compliance framework,” said Efrinal.


2023-10-24 06:42:05
#Paylater #Akulaku #Restricted #OJK #Due #Negligence #Monitoring #Credit

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