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Financial Planning 2024: How to Create an Expense Calendar and Avoid Financial Errors

The organization advises using a calendar, physical or virtual, to write down key dates with important expenses throughout the year.

By: Andrés Manuel Contreras Alaniz

Within the framework of financial planning for this year, it is essential to have an effective method to keep a detailed control of income, expenses and economic goals.

The magazine Protect your Money, from the Condusefhas shared a practical guide on creating a “Expense Calendar 2024“, with the aim of preventing setbacks and keeping your finances in order.


He expense schedule is a tool that allows you to track your income daily and bills.

You can use various platforms as spreadsheets Excel, notebooks, mobile apps o physical calendars to carry out this monitoring. To do this, identify three key elements:

  • Income: Record the dates on which you will receive payments, whether it is your salary or other inflows of money.
  • Bills: Write down the payment dates and bills recurring expenses such as telephone, streaming services, groceries, tuition, tickets, credit cards, loans, mortgage, among others.
  • Financial goals: Don’t forget to include goals like saving for a trip, a car, or buying a house. Separate your savings and write it down.

To avoid late fees and charges for non-payment, use reminders on your cell phone with the expiration dates of your financial obligations.


The magazine points out common mistakes that can affect your finances throughout the year, such as keeping Innecesary expensesgoing into debt to support a lifestyle, depleting the emergency or savings fund, and not including the bills of the “January cost” in your budget

Additionally, it is advisable to resist the temptation to buy products or services just because they are at a discount or because a monthly payment is available.

Remember that having a “annual expense schedule” can be a valuable tool to avoid setbacks and cultivate healthy financial habits.

2024-01-28 20:53:08
#Condusef #expense #calendar

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