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Financial horoscope for 2023 for all zodiac signs

The beginning of the year for many of us is clearly marked by problems in the financial sector. A retrograde Mercury won’t let you improve things quickly. New Year’s holidays and window displays are conducive to extravagance, but the astrologer Nadezhda Stashina calls now to go into savings mode, especially since the time for shopping is currently unfavorable, especially for big ones.

From 22 January, the money will flow willingly to those who aren’t afraid to take the initiative, get involved, lead the project, take risks. But you shouldn’t risk finances or quit a job that feeds you in the second half of April and the first half of May. If you want to find a better-paying job, your chances increase after May 17 and almost until the end of July.

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Aries, many representatives of this sign are already considering fruitful debut ideas on how to make money. The plans must be implemented after January 22nd. You are more likely to receive a large sum if you show innovation and independence. In the summer, you can afford a major purchase.

Bull, your sign will be visited by the generous planet Jupiter, so financially you will feel better than others. All that remains is to wait for the end of May.

Twins, money loves silence – the motto for you this year. You shouldn’t talk about how and how much you earn, especially since your income will not always be official.

Cancersocial networks and professional communities will help you earn.

a lionThe better your education, the more likely you are to land a high-paying job. Investing in education is the right decision.

Virgin, you will need to rethink your financial strategy. Build your bank relationships differently. Think about better savings.

Weight scale, financial income from an unusual source is likely. It is possible to receive an inheritance or an unexpected profit, all this money should in no case be thrown away on trifles.

Scorpio, your income will largely depend on the business partner. It is better to act not alone, but together with someone. Or this option: if you have an example of financial success before your eyes, you can repeat it.

Sagittarius, in the first half of the year you may have the opportunity to earn in the area where you previously worked for free. Consider turning your hobby into a profession.

Capricorn, buying and selling real estate could be a big topic this year. When drawing up a family budget, I advise you not to save on vacation.

Acquarium, you should definitely avoid purchases you can’t afford. Financial problems in this case can grow like a snowball. Advertisements must be taken very seriously. Attention and sober calculation will save the contents of your wallet.

Fish, at the end of winter and spring you can get extra money. And you will be very tempted to spend them all at once. Try to buy something that you can earn in the future.

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