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Financial Help Available for Small Businesses Affected by the New York Pandemic | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

includes excludes employees whoThey are not vaccinated.tests continuedto detect signs and intomasof covid19.Attention, owners of smallcompanies that were hardhit by the coronavirus,deadline to requesttax-free subsidiesnew York.I spoke with Marcos Castro from thedevelopment corporationeconomic and housing forwomen.frames, finally read anew economic relief forsmall businesses in new york.How do you rate people?interested and what documents areneed?>> this subsidy comes tofrom the state of new york.it is for the youngestbusiness.for those with incomegross from 25,000 to 500,000 inthe year 2019 or 2020.25,000 was the very least.have suffered 25% lossyear.to qualify, they have tobelong to the state of newyork and need statements2019 and 2020.the request can be made inline and it’s very easy, justtakes 15 minutes. must have thepapers ready.must have the number ofidentification as an employeeto request and from therethey ask information veryAsiatic.giselle: we know the money thatis there available?>> depending on income2019 and may qualify for5000 a $50,000.They are giving you 10% of theirgross income.If you made $ 100,000, you canqualify for $ 10,000.subsidygiselle: is there a dateDeadline to deliver therequests?>> we are recommending you toeveryone who requested itclose the request on 2July, I’ve spent weeks and a halfto do the process.giselle: what kind of expensesdoes this help cover?this help can use themto refund any classof expenses they made for theirbusiness in 2020.payroll, expenses to day.it covers a lot of things.basically it is to tryrefer them to recover whatgiselle: Marcos, we haveheard cases of somebusiness owners who haveleft out.what recommendation can youtune in tonight?>> keep trying to solvethese programs, call yourcouncilors to vote, ifanything to continuewith the help, but you have totry.also have the documentsready.we hope to do it lastmoment and we forgot whywe did not have that document.please don’t wait.

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