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Financial compensation for children with diabetes
If a child has diabetes, the impact on daily life is significant. Not only physically, but also mentally and even financially. Children with diabetes are normally entitled to an extra care allowance with the Growth Package (former child benefit). What financial compensation exactly does this involve?
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Healthcare allowance with Groeipakket
© Getty Images
Since 2019, we have been talking about the Growth Package instead of child benefit. Children with an increased need for support are eligible for an extra allowance on top of the basic amount: the care allowance. The specific amount of this allowance depends on the number of points awarded and varies between 87 and 583 euros. Not only the medical diagnosis is taken into account, but especially the impact of the condition on the daily life of the child and the family. For example: monitoring the condition, consultations, interaction with the school, etc.
Children with diabetes are also entitled to healthcare allowance. They usually receive a health care allowance of 116 euros per month, on top of the Growth Package. You must apply for the healthcare allowance yourself. You can find a step-by-step plan for applying for this healthcare allowance via this link.
Also read: What is included in the Growth Package?
Allowances linked to healthcare allowance
If you are entitled to a healthcare allowance, you are (possibly) also entitled to some tax and social allowances. Certain allowances are granted automatically, others you have to apply for yourself.
Right to a reduction in property tax
Families with a child with diabetes (and a healthcare allowance of 6 points or more) are entitled to a reduction in property tax. Property tax is an annual Flemish tax. For owners of real estate (e.g. house), the reduction is automatically granted on the tax bill.
Healthcare lump sum for the chronically ill
For children with diabetes who have high medical costs, the healthcare lump sum for the chronically ill may possibly come into effect (a compensation of 323.98 euros per year). This happens automatically.
European Disability Card (EDC)
The European Disability Card (EDC) or European handicap card is a card that offers benefits for cultural, sporting or leisure activities. The card is valid in Belgium, but also Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Malta, Slovenia and Romania. You can apply for this card digitally 30 days after receiving the healthcare allowance decision.
You can submit your application via with your child’s e-ID. If you do not have an e-ID, you can apply for the card at the VAPH provincial office.
Additional premiums from your municipality
In some municipalities, every child with a care allowance is entitled to certain allowances. Check with the municipality where you live to see if your child is eligible.
Extra allowances for children with diabetes
In addition to the healthcare allowance, there are also other allowances for children with diabetes. For example, there is mileage reimbursement for children with diabetes (under 18 years of age) who are monitored in a children’s convention, and there are additional allowances if you are a member of a health insurance fund. Also ask whether your hospitalization insurance can cover certain (outpatient) costs.
Also read: Diabetes: blood tests will soon no longer be necessary
The amounts stated in this article are indexed.
Last updated: February 2024
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2024-02-25 23:05:06
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