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Financial Assistance for School Bills: What Health Insurance Funds Offer

Spaargids.beOne in ten parents has difficulty paying their children’s school bills quickly, according to a survey by the parent umbrella organization for private education (VCOV, the Flemish Confederation of Parents and Parents’ Associations). In that case, any financial help is welcome, including that from the health insurance fund. Spaargids.be discusses what interventions you can expect from the various health insurance companies.

By Johan Van Geyte, in collaboration with Spaargids.be 11-09-23, 18:20 Source: Spaargids.be

School costs are also eligible

Health insurance funds are responsible for reimbursing (part of) the bills of the hospital, doctor and pharmacist. They help with the implementation of statutory health insurance. The scheme is the same for all health insurance funds.

In addition, health insurance companies can offer a series of benefits of their own. They do this with the contribution that their members pay. The higher the contribution, the more extras the funds can offer. This part of the offering may therefore differ from fund to fund.

Because of the latter, you can also count on financial help from your health insurance fund for a number of school invoices. This especially applies to a multi-day trip such as a forest, sea or farm class, but intervention is also possible for speech therapy. In the context of September Money Month, we summarize them below.

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School trips and multi-day excursions

• Helan pays 5 euros per day with a maximum of forty days per year when participating in a multi-day school activity. It does not matter whether there is an overnight stay or not. Because there is a deductible of 10 euros, you will be reimbursed up to 190 euros.

• Solidaris Brabant provides a contribution of 7.50 euros per day for children who go with their school from nursery, primary or secondary education to forest, sea or snow classes. The intervention is limited to 37.50 euros per school year.

• The Christian Mutuality and Solidaris provide a compensation of 5 euros per day that your child participates in forest, sea or snow classes. You can combine this benefit with the allowances for sports and youth camps. In total, up to 100 euros per year will be reimbursed. The condition here is that there is an overnight stay.

• At the Liberal Mutualities you will be reimbursed 5 euros per overnight stay with a maximum of 50 euros per year for an organized multi-day stay for the class group outside the school walls. Preschoolers are also eligible for this reimbursement for educational day trips without an overnight stay.

• With the Neutral Health Insurance Fund Flanders you get up to 50 euros per day if your child goes on a school trip – a 1-day extracurricular activity. This benefit can be combined with the intervention for camps, including forest, snow, sea and rural classes. The health insurance fund provides an intervention of 5 euros per day for this, with a maximum of ten days.

• With the Flemish and Neutral Health Insurance Fund, the contribution is up to 30 euros for school trips and camps such as forest, snow or sea classes.

Speech therapy

Being able to speak well and clearly: that is very important, especially at school. That is why the health insurance funds often provide intervention to those who are having a more difficult time in that area and who receive speech therapy for this.

• At Helan the compensation is a maximum of 10 euros per session. The number of sessions is limited to a maximum of 150 per five calendar years, which brings the maximum intervention for that entire period to 1,500 euros. The intervention applies if the statutory health insurance does not intervene.

• Solidaris Flanders provides a compensation of 10 euros per session with a maximum of 150 sessions. It applies to children and young people up to and including the age of 18 who do not (anymore) have approval from the consulting physician, and to young adults from the age of 19 who require further treatment on medical prescription. You must then submit an application to the health insurance fund within six months after the end of the compulsory insurance intervention and start further treatment within the same six months.

• At Solidaris Brabant you are entitled to a compensation of 5 euros per session for speech therapy treatment for which the consulting physician has provided favorable advice. It is limited to two sessions per week for a maximum of six months and applies after the person concerned has exhausted all his/her rights under compulsory health insurance. The intervention can be enjoyed for a maximum of four periods of six months. The right holder must submit a new application for each new period. Anyone who is not yet 18 will receive a full refund for their co-payment for speech therapy treatment.

• The Liberal Mutualities provide reimbursement if the statutory health insurance does not cover the treatment. This amounts to 10 euros per session, with a maximum of 100 sessions.

• The Neutral Health Insurance Fund Flanders and the Flemish & Neutral Health Insurance Fund offer an intervention of 7.50 euros per session for the treatment of a disorder. A certificate of assistance provided by a speech therapist must be submitted. The permitted treatment period is a maximum of 2 years. There is a maximum number of 80 sessions for that period, which brings the maximum intervention to 600 euros. You can request up to 80 additional sessions for a second disorder.

• The Christian Mutuality provides an allowance of 10 euros per session – 15 euros for members with increased allowance – of at least thirty minutes with a recognized speech therapist with a maximum of 40 sessions up to and including 18 years, and a maximum of 10 sessions from the age of 19 . The interventions apply if the speech therapy is not (or no longer) reimbursed by the compulsory health insurance.

Choose what you find important

If reimbursement for (multi-day) school activities or speech therapy – or another benefit – is very important to you, you may consider changing your health insurance fund. You have complete freedom of choice: you can even choose a health insurance company that has its head office on the other side of the country.

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2023-09-11 16:20:00
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