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Financial aid for the health crisis

The Civio Foundation’s main objective is make life easier to the citizens. On this occasion, Civio has launched a wizard on your website for the ones affected by the health crisis consult what financial aid they can choose, what are their conditions and how to request them.

Since the pandemic began, the different ministries have approved social measures for each situation. This search engine includes all of them, thus simplifying the task for those who need them, since they can easily find the help corresponding to each case.

The application is very easy to use: you answer the questions it asks you and, depending on your answers, the application will give you results.

We are going to put a practical example to show how the wizard works. When entering the web, we find the following image:

Civio Assistant for Financial Aid

The application continues to be interested in the situation. As we can see, it offers us several options, so we select that we are in a ERTE due to the coronavirus crisis.

Civio Assistant for Financial Aid

Results of the Civio Assistant for financial aid

We observe that we can opt for 4 social measures in our case: mortgage payment moratorium, subsidy for being in ERTE due to the health crisis, personal loan payment moratorium and social bonus (discount on the electricity bill).

As we see in the previous photograph, at the end it gives you the option to expand the information by consulting what the conditions of financial aid are and how to request them.

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