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Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum Jumps in Mjøsa to Secure Family Boat Amidst Flood

“RESCUE ACTION”: Minister of Finance and party leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) in Mjøsa. Photo: Private

On Friday, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum jumped in Mjøsa – the family boat had to be secured from “Hans”.


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On Friday evening, Finance Minister and party leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) went down to see the boat at the Skibladner jetty in Hamar. Then he saw that the jetty was under water.

Then there was only one thing to do – put on your swimming trunks and go swimming.

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– Someone had already been out and untied the rope, says Vedum to the Easternerwho mentioned the case first.

– Don’t make anything dramatic because it wasn’t, I just had to loosen the moorings a bit and put on a bit longer rope, says Vedum to VG.

The family boat is a 20-foot Draco 86 model, which Vedum says he has not had time to look at the boat for the past week.

– It is important to secure one’s own values. The boat is perhaps worth NOK 20,000-30,000. But it is dear to us, he tells Østlendingen.

It is important for the party leader to emphasize that his small rescue operation cannot be compared to all those who are badly affected by the extreme weather “Hans”.

– This flood has been and is tough for many. Some of us, like me, are only slightly affected, while far too many have had incredibly demanding days.

Vedum has himself visited several people who have been affected.

– What impresses the most is the strong local effort that has been put in and how people stand up for each other. We as a community must stand up for the local safums who are badly affected, and it is absolutely necessary that the state provides more funds, and we shall do that.


Published: 12.08.23 at 22:08

Updated: 12.08.23 at 22:48

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2023-08-12 20:08:51

#Vedum #swims #secure #boat

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