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Finance Minister on the budget hole. He gave the amount

Firstly, Finance Minister Tadeusz Kościński predicts that in November the budget gap will increase by another PLN 12-13 billion, among others due to “mini lockdown”.

– At the end of November, it is too early to know exactly, but I expect that this deficit may have increased a bit, because we already had a “mini lockdown”. I think that by the end of the year we will probably oscillate around PLN12-13bn “- said the minister in an interview in PR24 quoted by PAP Biznes.

Second, the government intends to create a “financial cushion” that will secure money for social programs next year.

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– Financial reserves will be created so that we will have adequate money for payments next year, for 500+, 13th and 14th retirement, so I expect the deficit to increase to around PLN100bn. It will not increase because we have to save public finances, but rather because we create a financial cushion – said Kościński.

Earlier, the head of the finance ministry informed PAP that the Ministry of Finance would try to make the most of the deficit limit for 2020, which was assumed in the amended budget act at PLN 109.3 billion. Kościński explained then that reserves are being created and that if additional money is needed in 2021, there will be no need to amend the budget.

Let us remind you that this year’s budget was supposed to be balanced, that is, the expenses were to equal the revenues. But then a pandemic broke out, which turned these plans upside down. In August, the government adopted an amendment to the 2020 budget, which envisages a budget hole at a record level of PLN 109.3 billion.

The minister also hopes for a quick exit from the recession. “We have money secured for social programs. By spending, the society will boost our economy, it will grow, and thus we will quickly recover from the recession” – wrote on Twitter PR24, referring to Tadeusz Kościński’s statement.

“At the turn of November and December we have a mini lockdown and we expect a decrease in consumption, but I keep my fingers crossed that the situation will return to normal during Christmas” – he added.



1h ago

jackThere was PLN 110 billion for the PO, the national assets were sold (for which there should be money) and there was no virus


1h ago

OLABald-I do not believe your words, a month ago you spoke about a large financial cushion … and what we have not 100 billion debt but about 250 billion, which are hidden in … Read the whole thing


1h ago

KalitaYou can see from the guest’s face that he has no worries and we can do it


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