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“Finally I couldn’t hear Japan’s apology …” The oldest “comfort woman” victim died: Politics • Society: hankyoreh japan

A wave of condolences for the death of the oldest Japanese “comfort women” victim
Important people from all walks of life, civil society が expression of regret

From Instagram of “Navi of Hope (Butterfly)” // Hankyoreh Newspaper

News that the oldest survivor of the Japanese military “comfort women”, Jung Bok-soo, died on the 12th of the Chinese New Year was reported, and a wave of mourning continued online throughout the holidays. There were 240 “comfort women” victims registered with the government, of which only 15 survived.

“When I visited Nanum’s house on the 10th, Jung Bok-soo was hospitalized and prayed for recovery, but the news of his death hurts my heart,” said Jung Young-ae, secretary of the Ministry of Gender Equality. On the 12th, he expressed his condolences through the press material. Prior to this, Secretary Chung visited the House of Sharing in Guangzhou, Gyeonggi Province, ahead of the Chinese New Year, and greeted the five survivors of the New Year. Jung Bok-soo, who has been living at Nanum’s house since 2013, has been hospitalized due to poor health. “Only 15 survivors of the government-registered victims have survived. The Ministry of Gender Equality has given policy support to the victims of the Japanese military“ comfort women ”to ensure a healthy and peaceful old age. And actively promote projects to restore honor and dignity. “

Jung Bok-soo was born in 1922. She was registered in the family register of her sister who died at a young age, and was previously informed that she was 105 years old (born 1916 according to resident registration), but the actual age is 99 years old. He was the oldest surviving comfort woman victim, both at family register age and at actual age.

The funeral held during the Chinese New Year holidays was held privately at the will of the bereaved family. Prior to this, the House of Sharing said, “The funeral will be held privately in a Christian family funeral style at the will of the deceased and the bereaved family, and detailed information such as the deceased’s traces will not be disclosed.”

On the 13th, the Secretariat of Justice Memory Solidarity visited the funeral room of Mr. Jung Bok-soo and said on Facebook, “Harmoni (grandmother) should go to a good place and feel at ease,” and said the final farewell. We also talked about the deceased with the grandson of the deceased. ” He wrote, “I will never forget it. Please sleep peacefully in a good place.”

On the 10th, Jung Young-ae, Minister of Gender Equality, who visited the House of Sharing in Guangzhou, Gyeonggi Province, provided by the Ministry of Gender Equality // Hankyoreh Newspaper

The youth community “Kibou Navi (butterfly)” for solving the “comfort women” problem of the Japanese army wrote in a memorial message posted on Instagram that “Harmoni was taken to the South Sea Islands (Micronesia) and suffered damage from Japanese military slavery. I was struck by the fact that I was finally caught up without being able to receive the official apology and legal compensation of the Japanese government. “

From Facebook of “Peace Navi (Butterfly)” // Hankyoreh Newspaper

The political world also expressed regret. Park Young-sung, a preliminary candidate for the mayor of Seoul, the Democratic Party of Korea, said on the 13th, “I couldn’t hear the responsible apology of Japan that was desired during my lifetime. I felt that I would never lose if I didn’t forget.” I will never forget my will, “he said in condolences on Facebook. Na Kyung-won, a preliminary candidate for the mayor of Seoul, said on Facebook, “The insane human beings who distort and deny the harsh truth and facts of the barbarism against the Japanese military’comfort women’are still damaged. He criticized Professor John Mark Ramseyer of Harvard University, who defined the “comfort women” victims as “prostitutes” for “hurting people.”

Mayor Eun Sumi of Seongnam City also expressed his condolences to Twitter, saying, “Even if you put academic freedom in the foreground, you have no right to hurt or insult the honor and value of others.”

Reporter Kim Mi-Hyan (Inquiries [email protected])

http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/women/982844.htmlKorean original input: 2021-02-14 16:48
Translated by JS
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