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“Finally, Germany has woken up”

Orbán im Kossuth-Radio:

Written by Rainer Ackermann

“It was not a sudden brainwave of the German Chancellor to correct the migration policy; he did so under pressure from voters.” These were the words of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in his usual Friday interview for the state-run Kossuth Radio, in which he defended Hungary’s more than clear position on the issue of illegal migration since 2015 as the only right path for Europe.

“It is high time that decisions are made not by some smart alecks but by real people, not just in Hungary but throughout Europe.” The Hungarian Prime Minister is convinced that it is the ordinary people who have to suffer the negative consequences of uncontrolled immigration. They suffer instead of the smart-ass know-it-alls who have explained in theory what great effects liberal immigration policy would have on society, while citizens clenched their fists in the face of the dramatic situation in reality.

Fate of Western Europeans avoided

Orbán recalled 2015, when the migration crisis escalated into an “invasion”. Hungary, however, “did not complain or look for excuses, it took a deep breath and hastily put up a border fence to stop uncontrolled immigration.” In doing so, the country avoided suffering the same fate as the Western Europeans who became immigration countries: “Hungary belongs to the Hungarians and that’s it!” The EU should not punish Hungary for this, but should contribute to the costs of the expensive border protection so that the country can continue to efficiently protect the Schengen external border, the Prime Minister stated.

Politicians only have to take one more step

Orbán also commented sarcastically on Berlin’s plans to introduce border controls with all of Germany’s neighbours from Monday: “Until now, people in Europe have looked at you strangely if you stop illegal migrants. Now Germany and Chancellor Olaf Scholz have woken up to the terrorism, rampant crime and enormous social burdens caused by immigrants unwilling to work. It would not be an intellectual masterpiece for the top politicians of Western Europe to take another step: from the realisation that borders must be protected to the realisation that those who have always done exactly that should not be punished.”

“It is characteristic of the political chaos that the EU institutions have triggered with their jurisprudence that Hungary should pay for the consistent rejection of illegal migrants,” says Viktor Orbán.

Hungary’s understanding of democracy

The Chancellor did not realize on his own that a change of course was needed in the completely misguided migration policy – illegal immigrants had to massacre peaceful citizens first. “It can be seen as a success for democracy that the Germans were able to get their own government to finally take their side,” Orbán said. Regarding the West’s understanding of democracy, he noted that only Hungary had held a referendum on migration policy. Since then, the Orbán government has represented the position expressed by a large majority at the National Consultation. “The politicians in the West have put the cart before the horse, but now it is dawning on them that it is better to do exactly what the people want.”

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