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Final stretch for the executive, which must return its copy of the deconfinement plan on Tuesday …

8:38 am: Back to school for Chinese students

Masks and temperature controls: Chinese middle and high school students made an ultra-safe return to school in the metropolises of Beijing and Shanghai on Monday, after nearly four months of summer vacation due to the epidemic.

China, the first country hit by Covid-19, closed all of its schools in late January just before the Lunar New Year, and classes have since been offered online. The sparsely populated provinces of Qinghai (north-west) and Guizhou (south-west) were the first in March to gradually organize their return.

In Beijing, only senior high school students were allowed to return to class on Monday to prepare for the “gaokao”, the university entrance exam, the most important in Chinese schooling. In Shanghai, students in the last year of middle school also took over the class. China now fears a second wave of contamination with so-called “imported” cases, the majority of Chinese returning to the country.

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