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Final spurt for Corona final settlements | Steer

The deadline for submitting the final accounts for Corona economic aid expires on September 30, 2024. However, only two thirds of the final accounts have been submitted so far, the Federal Ministry of Economics said at the request of the German Press Agency.

The “submission dynamic” continues to increase every day. Around 90 percent of the final statements to be submitted (bridging aid, November and December aid) – out of a total of around 860,000 – could be expected by September 30, 2024.

The state helped with billions

With the Corona economic aid (bridging aid, November and December aid), companies and self-employed people with significant corona-related declines in sales were supported with more than EUR 60 billion between June 2020 and June 2022.

State Secretary for Economic Affairs Sven Giegold said in July that the success of the Corona aid programs was based primarily on the quick and unbureaucratic approval given to companies. “The protection of all taxpayers now requires that the correct use of the tax money paid out is now also proven.”

Reclaims in 25% of cases

According to the ministry, in around three quarters of the final accounts audited, additional payments (41 percent) were granted or provisional approval was confirmed (33 percent). In around 25 percent of the final decisions there were demands for reimbursement of an average of around 7,400 euros compared to the provisionally granted aid. It is estimated that after the final accounting has been completed, returns to the federal government of around EUR 700 million would be expected. The final balance sheet will not be available until 2025.

Submission is still possible even after the deadline

In order to give the third party auditors enough time to resolve short-term (technical) problems during the final spurt, it will also be possible to submit the final invoice shortly after September 30th. Only after the hearing period had expired on November 30, 2024, reclaim measures were initiated by the licensing authorities.

Emergency aid from the federal government

At the beginning of the pandemic, there was emergency federal aid that could be applied for in spring 2020 for a three-month funding period. Around EUR 3.58 billion have now been repaid by around 582,000 companies and self-employed people, as the ministry announced, citing state approval authorities. In several countries, the feedback procedures and subsequent reviews have not yet been completed. According to the ministry, the approval of funds was subject to subsequent review and the associated possible repayment.


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