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Final point in Fort Worth, by Josep Martí Blanch

The last postcard. This gigantic country would be enough for a daily epistle for a lifetime. And even then, we would only touch its epidermis. Literature appears to be real. And it is. But it is also a stew of words cultivated in the imagination of the writer. The sample of individuals, places, customs and life as a whole is unfathomable. The postcards have been nothing more than a few spoonfuls of water taken from a particular ocean, mine.

I have visited a country divided by politics. But sheltered from the radioactive rain with which speeches soak the American land, I have come to meet a place where the hopes of its people remain the same as always and everywhere: a better life. Unfortunately, in the opinion of many, this happens by narrowing the margin of concession to those who think differently. That other He is increasingly perceived less as someone with whom one can reach an agreeable – and therefore common – goal and more as an obstacle that should be overcome.

Trump lost legitimacy when he encouraged the storming of the Capitol

I am not expressing the majority opinion in our country. But I do not see any substantial differences in style between Democrats and Republicans. Trump lost his legitimacy as a democratic ruler when he encouraged the storming of the Capitol in 2021. That does make a difference. Fundamental and sufficient, in my opinion, to legitimize the position taken against him. But it is a fact that half of Americans do not see him in the same way. They see him as salvation and not as a threat. I have traveled to the United States to try to understand why.

After this American stay, I am asked who will win the elections. The truth is, I have no fucking idea. I think both candidates have a chance of sitting in the presidential chair. Which is the same as saying nothing.

Fort Worth

Land Mark Fisher via Wikimedia Commons

In the postcards we have escaped from the political mess to focus on more mundane things. Those that mark, even when the storm rages, the identity of a country in the eyes of those who visit it. These will stay afloat regardless of who presides. Another colleague would have chosen other texts and other places. Mine end here. And believe me, it has been a real pleasure to write them.

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