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Final of the Club World Cup 2022


news">Betim (Brazil), December 11, 2022

news">2022 Club World Cup Final – live from Betim: Sir Safety Perugia-Trentino Itas 1-1

The Final of the 2022 Club World Cup is underway at the Ginasio Poliesportivo Divino Braga. This is the score (updated every 120 seconds):

SETTING UP 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Sir Security Susa Perugia 2 20 25 27 17 _
Trentino Itas 1 25 23 25 10 _
DURATION 23′ 29′ 30′ _ _

The match report. Trentino Itas presents itself in a typical formation for the appointment of the year in Brazil: Sbertoli in direction, Kaziyski opposite, Michieletto and Lavia in place 4, Lisinac and Podrascanin in the center and Laurenzano as libero. Sir Safety Susa responds with Giannelli dribbling, Rychlicki opposite, Leon and Semeniuk spikers, Russo and Flavio central, Colaci free. The Gialloblù start is very convincing: a block by Lavia on Semeniuk and an ace by Michieletto guarantee the first breakthrough (5-2), then the margin increases thanks to an error by the same Pole on the net and an ace by Kaziyski (9 -4); situation that advises Anastasi to stop the game. In the second half, however, Trento still dictates the law in the break phase with Lavia (ace) and Podrascanin (block) for 13-8 and then for 16-9 because Semieniuk continues to struggle. The Umbrian bench runs for cover: inside Plotnytskyi, who immediately gets a couple of points making the match 20-16. Podrascanin thwarts the threat early on, then Matey and Michieletto think again about defending the advantage and closing the conversation in the first set already at 25-20.
In the second set Plotnytskyi remains on the field in place of Semeniuk and it is the Ukrainian who signs the revenge of Sir who goes from 3-3 to 3-6. Lorenzetti interrupts the game. Trento falters but does not give up and restarts with Michieletto and Kaziyski (8-11), forcing the opponents to time out; in the second half Rychliki widens the gap (12-16 and 16-21), but it is not yet the decisive starting point because with great stubbornness the Trentino players go back up to 23-24, canceling two set balls, before falling to the third: 23-25 with an error serving Kaziyski, after Matey himself had made an ace.
In the third set, Trentino Itas starts with a slingshot (6-3 and 10-6) taking advantage of the many mistakes of the opponents, a situation that prompts Anastasi to alternate Herrera with Rychlicki. Perugia climbs back up to 13-12, then Michieletto, Kaziyski and Podrascanin offer a new acceleration to the score (18-14). Sir Safety Susa with Plotnytskyi in service goes back up the score again by making a run of 0-5 (18-19). We go to the sprint where the Gialloblù cancel two set points before suffering the winning block by Flavio on Podrascanin who brings the Perugia team up 2-1 (25-27).

Trentino Volley Srl
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