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Final Fantasy VII: Remake and Rebirth Will Remain PlayStation Exclusives Forever, Confirms Sony VP

When Final Fantasy VII: Remake was announced, the trailer ended with “Play it first on PlayStation 4”. Many of the subsequent trailers contained phrases such as “PlayStation exclusive until the 10th of April 2021”. This led many to believe that the amazing game would find its way to the Xbox consoles sooner or later. Now it’s been almost three years since the exclusivity expired, and a little more than two years since it launched on PC, so the few who still believed in it have theorized that the trilogy wouldn’t come to Xbox until all three games are out . Time to crush those dreams.

The Washington Post managed to catch Christian Svensson, Sony Interactive Entertainment’s vice president of second and third party content ventures and strategic initiatives, in a very divisive mood as he apparently told interviewer Gene Park that Final Fantasy VII: Remake and Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth will remain console exclusives on PlayStation forever.

It is worth noting that Park had to change his article, as the original version made it sound like Svensson had confirmed that the entire remake trilogy will be exclusive. An odd clarification, as I highly doubt that Square Enix will release the third part of the remake trilogy on Xbox consoles without having the other two on there as well, so it seems safe to say that neither Final Fantasy VII remake will launch on Xbox in the future.

2024-03-06 21:50:31
#Final #Fantasy #VII #Remake #Rebirth #Xbox

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