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Final Egyptian ruling to fire an employee because of Facebook

The “Higher Administrative” convicted him of defamation according to the “Information Crime” Law

In a remarkable ruling, an Egyptian court punished an employee of the “Central Bank” for the final dismissal from his job, after he had convicted him according to the “Information Crime Law”, of committing “defamation and insulting” crimes with offensive words through his account on the social networking site (Facebook).

According to local media, some of which are state-owned and state-owned, yesterday, the “Disciplinary Department of the Supreme Administrative Court, issued a final ruling, which cannot be appealed against the dismissal of a lawyer at the Central Bank,” and condemned him by “publishing false allegations from employees of the bank’s legal department, on his page at (Facebook), which made them known by using outrageous words, obscene acts, and offensive phrases that violated honor, honor, and reputation. ”

With the court indicating its findings that “the public employee’s use of social media is one of the rights open to everyone as a window to freedom of expression,” she restricted the matter by “not affecting (the use of) national security, public order, public morals, reputation of citizens, or breaching their privacy.”

In mid-2018, Egypt passed a law in the name of “combating information technology crimes,” and its articles included penalties for those who prove “an assault on the sanctity of private life,” while estimates indicate that at least 40 million local users use Facebook.

The court considered that, because of the fact that “the Internet is part of daily life in the world, this has made people believe that it is a permissible space and a region above the law, and that some social networking sites have turned from spaces for acquaintance and exchange of knowledge to platforms for advocating some actions affecting national security, state stability or freedoms Personality and the honor of persons ».

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