Future post-apocalyptic or generally dystopianin which things went wrong, very badly or in any case not as humanity hoped or expected: the one told by the Amazon series (Who our preview impressions and without spoilers) it’s a classic science fiction topic. Here are 3 other serials and films in which to find him.
From book to series, The 3-Body Problem explained by a physicist
by Emanuele Capone

youtube: the trailer of Silo
The series we would have wanted to do if we had had to produce a serial based on the video games of the saga Fallout: the outside world is inhospitable and what remains of humanity has taken refuge inside vertically developed silos that recall in every way the vaults imagined by Bethesda. Here too there is a mystery and a possible plot to be foiled, with a series of murders to investigate, as well as a Tim Robbins in great form and a very good Rebecca Ferguson. Silo was released in 2023, season 1 can be seen on Apple TV Plus (season 2 has already been confirmed) and the rating on the Internet Movie Database is 8.1.
youtube: Interceptor 2 trailer
Mad Max
The reference is above all to the first two films, those from the late Seventies and early Eighties, which arrived in Italy with the title Interceptor (from the name of the protagonist’s car), shot in New Zealand and with a very young Mel Gibson. If somehow Silo And Fallout underground, Mad Max it is on the surface, in tone and content: a world of the future where few people and few traces of civilization survive, where violence and the law of the strongest dominate and where death is truly around the corner. Today some scenes may make you smile, but 40 years ago their crudeness sparked quite a bit of controversy, even in our country. The first two Interceptor they can be rented more or less on all streaming platforms and on Imdb they have a rating of 6.8 and 7.6 respectively.
youtube: the trailer for 1997: Escape from New York
1997: Escape from New York
Released in 1981, the film with Kurt Russell in the role of the cynical Jena Plissken, called to save the president of the United States from the open-air prison into which Manhattan has been transformed, is still highly enjoyable today. As compared to Fallouthere we are not talking (not it seems, at least) of a post-apocalyptic or post-atomic future, but the gloom and the atmosphere of insecurity, desperation and precariousness they are exactly what you feel in the popular video game series. 1997: Escape from New York It has a rating of 7.1 on Imdb and can be seen streaming on Paramount Plus.
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– 2024-04-12 00:59:12