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Filmfest Göteborg sends cinema fans to a desert island – one week to watch films

Gothenburg. In the Corona crisis, the film festival in Gothenburg, Sweden, is taking an unusual approach: isolated on a remote archipelago island, a single cinema fan can watch the festival’s films for a week.

“The global pandemic has forced the world’s cinemas to close. The largest film festival in Scandinavia is therefore creating the ‘isolated cinema’ on the lighthouse island of Pater Noster, ”announced the festival on Monday. Interested parties can on the official website Apply for a stay from January 30th to February 6th on the isolated North Sea island – “far away from family, friends and mobile phones”. “The only company will be the sound of the sea – and the festival films,” it said.

The 44th Gothenburg Film Festival runs from January 29th to February 8th in digital form. There will be further isolated film screenings for a single person each in the Scandinavium Arena and in a festival cinema in Gothenburg.

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