On Thursday, November 30, 2023, the Nerwaya cinema served as the setting for the press screening of the film Ta Kami by Daniel Kollo Sanou. It was in the presence of Hamidou Belèm, project manager representing the Minister of Communication and in front of an audience of film buffs.
Ta Kami which means “The Embers”, is a feature-length fiction film by Burkinabè director Daniel Kollo Sanou. In summary, following the death of Sogo Sanou, a veteran, Kiédalo tries to convince the family to help him obtain a survivor’s pension. But when a family report is finally signed, Dafra, the first wife, opposes it, believing that the deceased’s inheritance belongs entirely to her. This 90-minute comedy-drama examines problems in public administration and social problems, particularly inheritance in African families. A masterpiece that deserves to be followed.
According to the film’s director, Daniel Kollo Sanou, “France had decided to remit payment of survivor’s pensions to the widows of Senegalese riflemen. This situation had been blocked since the period of independence. Therefore, widows were no longer entitled to survivor’s pension. It is with this in mind that the idea of writing a letter to the French authorities so that the widows can receive the survivor’s pension. This letter was published in the daily L’Express du Faso. And immediately, there was a reaction and we were lucky to be listened to. I thought why not put all of this into a film. Hence the making of the film Ta Kami”. A very well-made film with actors like Nicole Sanou, Aï Keita, Dah Léger, Serge Henri, Stanislas Soré, Karim Koné.
The representative of the Minister of Communication, Hamidou Belem, praised the quality of the images and the relevance of the message. Film buffs like Ibrahim Sanfo appreciated this feature film. This film is part of the same narrative framework as To pay his successful work on the issue of veterans’ retirement pensions and which won the Bronze Stallion at FESPACO 2005. Born in Borodougou in Burkina Faso, Daniel Kollo Sanou has directed several films. These are Pawéogo in 1983, Jigi in 1992, Taxi Brousse from 1999 to 2005, Tasuma in 2003, the weight of the oath in 2011.