Merseburg (dpa/sa) – The Merseburg DEFA Film Days start with a tribute to the actor Dieter Mann, who died in February. After the opening on Friday with the film “Berlin around the corner” (1985, directed by Gerhard Klein), everything in the cathedral city in southern Saxony-Anhalt revolves around Deutsche Film AG (DEFA), the state-run GDR film company, until Sunday.
Guest on the first day of the festival is the scriptwriter, director, writer and patron Wolfgang Kohlhaase (“Solo Sunny”). The motto of the 17th edition of the traditional cinema series is “From the DEFA box”.
According to the organizer, the program includes the children’s film “Hasenherz” from 1987 (director: Gunter Friedrich). Regina Beyer and Volkmar Kleinert played in the DEFA film and are expected as guests in Merseburg.
In addition to the moderated showing of other films, Klaus Feldmann will read from his book “Verhörte Hörer” on Saturday. An amateur film round and the live piano accompaniment of the silent film “Bruder” are also planned, it said. The DEFA Film Days Merseburg are organized by the Friendship of Nations Cinema Friendship Association and the Domstadtkino.
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