After 65 years, the Frech family closes down the “Tyroler” cinema. A group of film enthusiasts has now come together to continue making the screen shine.
Andreas Volz Nürtinger Zeitung 222 61
Published: 30.06.2023 – 5:00 a.m. The Frech family is closing down the “Tyroler” cinema after 65 years. A group of film enthusiasts has now come together to continue making the screen shine.
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CHURCHHEIM. There were once four cinemas in Kirchheim: Stadtkino, Universum, Central and Tyroler. All that remains now is the Tyroler’s upper hall, which is much smaller than the lower hall, which was in use until 1985. But the Tyroler is also on the brink of collapse – if it weren’t for a group of cinema enthusiasts who have founded an association so that they can continue to offer cinemas in Kirchheim all year round.
For 65 years, the Frech family provided cinema entertainment in the Tyroler. A little over 20 years ago, Eberhard and Ulrike Frech entered the family tradition…
2023-06-30 03:04:50
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