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Film by young people about the border near Helmstedt

Helmstedt. “Between us … there used to be a border”: A cooperation project in the district has been nominated for ARIA 2024. Who will have their say.

The second edition of the European “Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards (ARIA 2024)” will honor the most environmentally friendly, intelligent, socially inclusive, innovative and resilient Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) projects implemented at local level in Europe, the LAG Green Belt announced. A cooperation project from the Leader region Green Belt in the Helmstedt district has now been submitted. In April 2022, the film “Between us … there was once a border” premiered in Helmstedt.

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Young people on both sides of the former German-German border had made several short films about the people and their experiences on both sides of the border, which were then compiled into a large film, it continues. The starting point for the youth film project were ideas from the Helmstedt association Grenzenlos – Wege zum Nachbar eV, which includes the city and district of Helmstedt and the Sachsen-Anhalt Memorials Foundation. “The question was: what do young people still know about the time more than 30 years ago?”, the statement says. This is where the idea came from: with the support of media professionals and media educators, children and young people interview relatives, friends and other people who tell personal stories about the time before and during the fall of the Wall.

Nomination of the youth project in the Helmstedt district was a surprise

According to the announcement, the project was funded by the two local action groups (LAG) “Green Belt” in Lower Saxony and “Flechtinger Höhenzug” with the partner community Hohe Börde in Saxony-Anhalt from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The theme of ARIA 2024 is “Empowering young people” and reflects the priorities of the national networks to promote the empowerment of young people, it continues. The German Networking Office for Rural Areas (DVS), as the German network office, nominated the youth film project of the Leader region for the longlist on July 26 as the German contribution in the category “Youth in rural areas”.

The nomination by the DVS was a big surprise and everyone involved was very happy. The shortlist for the award will be announced at the European level at the end of August. Anyone who doesn’t know it yet can watch the film for free at any time on the Leader Region website at www.leader-gruenes-band.de, it concludes.

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