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“Fill up on this date”, you will save a lot: mark it on your calendar

That’s when it’s best to refuel your car: mark the date to fill up. Is it better to refuel before or after April 20?

Date for full – Motori-News

April 20 is the last day on which the cut in excise duties on petrol introduced by the Draghi government will be in effect.

What will happen after April 20? Many are starting to wonder when it is really worthwhile to refuel.

Is it better to wait until April 20 to fill up the tank or should it already be done these days, given that fuel prices are lower than a month ago?

Petrol quotation: what are the factors to consider?

It cannot give us a certain answer, but it is possible to take into account certain factors that determine the quotation of the price of gasoline.

From the end of March to today, the price of oil has always been stable at just over $ 100 a barrel. The oil price trend could experience a further surge in the coming weeks.

fill up by 20 April
fill up by 20 April – Motorinews.it

The heavy sanctions inflicted on Moscow and the resumption of Covid cases in China, which could reduce the demand for crude oil, affect the listing.

The cut in excise duties established by the Draghi government came into force on 22 March and the price of fuel is falling.

Hard to think of this bearish trend may persist for a long time given the continuing tensions affecting the war in Ukraine and the Bucha massacre.

Petrol price: when is it convenient to fill up?

To understand when it is convenient to fill up your car, it is necessary to understand if the Draghi Government is really willing to intervene with another measure aimed at extending the cut in excise duties.

Well, in this regard, a few hours ago the news that the Draghi Executive has decided to extend the cut in excise dutiesthe price of fuel therefore undergoes a new surge and stands at 30.5 cents per liter.

fill up by 20 April – Motorinews.it

Therefore, it would be better to fill up before April 20, as the extension will not last more than 10 days.

Many motorists intend to fill up just before April 20, but it cannot be ruled out that prices will continue to decline further after this watershed date.

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