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Fill in the RAPUH Questionnaire to Know the Agility of the Elderly Before Covid-19 Vaccination

TEMPO.CO, JakartaCovid-19 Vaccination now can be done for the elderly or the elderly. It’s just that the elderly or elderly companions need to pay attention to the condition of the body because in general they have comorbid diseases.

general manager Indonesian Association of Internal Medicine Specialists or PAPDI conveyed a number of criteria for a person to get Covid-19 vaccination, especially those over 59 years of age or elderly and comorbid. The following are a number of conditions that must be met before being injected with the Covid-19 vaccine.

  1. For individuals with comorbid, then the following criteria are conditions that are not yet eligible for Covid-19 vaccination:
    a. Allergic reactions in the form of anaphylaxis and severe allergic reactions due to the first dose of Covid-19 vaccination or due to the same components contained in the Covid-19 vaccine
    b. Systemic autoimmune diseases, such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Vasculitis. Especially for autoimmune thyroid, haematological and autoimmune diseases inflammotory bowel disease or IBD can get Covid-19 vaccination during remission and under control. Consult with doctors in related fields
    c. Individuals who are experiencing an acute infection. If the infection is resolved, you can get the Covid-19 vaccination. For tuberculosis infection, recovery through anti-tuberculosis drugs or OAT needs at least two weeks before Covid-19 vaccination is feasible
    d. Blood cancer, solid tumor cancer, blood disorders such as thalassemia, immunohematology, hemophilia, coagulation disorders, so the eligibility of an individual with this condition is determined by a specialist in the related field. Consult first before Covid-19 vaccination
    e. Individuals using immunosuppressant drugs, cytostatics, and radiotherapy.
    f. Chronic diseases, such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD and asthma, heart disease, metabolic disease, hypertension, and kidney disorders, which are in acute or uncontrolled conditions
  2. Conditions that are outside the criteria in the first point, then deserve the Covid-19 vaccination
  3. Survivor Covid-19 if you have recovered for at least three months, then you deserve the Covid-19 vaccination
  4. For those who are over 59 years of age or elderly, the eligibility of Covid-19 vaccination is determined by conditions frailty or the fragility of the individual. How to know the condition of fragility can be by filling out the RAPUH questionnaire.

RAPUH questionnaire

Fragility / Susceptibility Syndrome ScreeningFrailty

  • R = Resistance (Resistence)
    On your own or without the aid of a tool, do you have difficulty climbing 10 steps and without resting in between?
    Score 1 = Yes, Score 0 = No
  • A = Activity (Fotigue)
    How often in four weeks did you feel tired?
    1: All the time
    2: Most of the time
    3: Sometimes
    4: Rarely
    If answer to number 1 or 2 score = 1, answer to number 3 or 4 score = 0
  • P = disease more than 4 (Illnesses)
    Participants were asked, did the doctor ever say about your illness?
    There are eleven major diseases, namely:
    1. Hypertension
    2. Diabetes
    3. Cancer, apart from minor skin cancer
    4 Chronic lung disease
    5. Heart attack
    6. Congestive heart failure
    7. Chest pain
    8. Asthma
    9. Joint pain
    10. Stroke
    11. Kidney disease

    If the answer to the total number of diseases recorded is 0 – 4 diseases, then the score = 0, if 5 – 11 diseases are recorded the score = 1

  • Business running (Ambulatory)
    On your own and without assistance, are you having trouble walking the roughly 100 to 200 meters?
    Score Yes = 1 and score No = 0
  • Weight loss (Loss of Weight)
    a. How much do you weigh in bare feet today?
    b. One year ago, how much did you gain by wearing barefoot clothes?

    Method of calculating weight in percent
    Weight one year ago reduced now weight divided by weight one year ago times 100 percent.
    If the result is more than 5 percent, which means that the body weight has decreased by 5 percent, you get a score of 1.If the percentage is less than 5 percent, you get a score of 0

If the total score 1 – 2 is included in the category Pre-Frail or pre-fragile and may be considered for Covid-19 vaccination under a doctor’s supervision. If a score of more than 2 is included in the category Frail or fragile / frail.

Also read:
Vulnerable elderly, senile, malnutrition is considered unfit for Covid-19 vaccination

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