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Files relating to 1977 US abuse trial of Roman Polanski are declassified

In the case of the decades-old rape allegations against star director Roman Polanski, previously kept files are made accessible. The notes of the then responsible prosecutor Roger Gunson are released, as a California court ruled. According to Polanski, the documents should prove that the US judiciary in the case in 1977 did not stick to a deal made with him at the time. The public prosecutor’s office had signaled their approval for the release of the files on Tuesday. The decision goes back to the application of two journalists in 2010. Polanski is accused of drugging and raping then 13-year-old Samantha Gailey, now Samantha Geimer, in Los Angeles in 1977. The Frenchman with Polish roots was initially accused of rape, as part of a deal with Polanski, the allegation was later of illegal sex with a minor. The filmmaker, in turn, pleaded guilty and, under an agreement with prosecutors, was jailed for 42 days to undergo psychiatric testing. But then, according to Polanski’s lawyers, the judge dropped the deal and wanted to demand a much longer prison sentence for the director. Polanski then fled to France before the sentence was handed down and has not returned to the United States since. In the United States, the 88-year-old is still threatened with a process.

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