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Figures: Increase in corona cases and sick leave recorded in Vienna

Wastewater monitoring, corona sick leave rates and patient statistics from hospitals show: The coronavirus is back in Vienna. The numbers are rising, and one expert expects a peak in four to six weeks.

VIENNA. The coronavirus is probably making a comeback in the capital. There are three indications of this. According to the City of Vienna’s wastewater monitoring system, the virus load in Vienna is currently at 256,5 (As of September 3rd). For comparison: on August 21st the value was still below 200, and a month ago it was below 145.

The second indication is the ÖGK reports of incapacity to work, i.e. sick leave, in Vienna. In calendar week 35 (27 August to 2 September) there were 1.834 Viennese people who were reported sick due to a corona infection. The week before, there were just under 1,650, and two weeks before that, 1,370. If you look at the figures from last year, there were about 400 more corona sick notes in week 35 than in the same period in 2023 (1,414).

And the third indication is the number of corona patients in Vienna’s hospitals. According to the SARI dashboard (abbreviation for severe acute respiratory infections) – which lists inpatient admissions in hospitals with diagnoses of corona, influenza, RSV and other severe respiratory infections such as bacterial pneumonia or acute bronchitis – in the calendar week in question 33 Patients in inpatient treatment due to Corona. Another person was in the intensive care unit. The week before, there were 41 cases in the normal ward, two weeks ago 38. The peak was this summer at the beginning of August, when there were just under 50 patients.

The number of corona patients in Vienna's hospitals. | Photo: Screenshot sari-dashboard.at

Peak in four to six weeks

Arschang Valipourhead of the Department of Internal Medicine and Pneumology at the Floridsdorf Clinic, told “Heute.at” that the autumn wave is coming and that there has already been “an increase in cases” in recent weeks: “Depending on the weather, we expect a peak in four to six weeks.” The Vienna Health Association (WIGEV) confirmed the statements in response to a MeinBezirk query.

Arschang Valipour, head of the Department of Internal Medicine and Pulmonology at the Floridsdorf Clinic, said that the autumn wave is coming and that there has already been

The new corona variants KP.3 and KP.3.1.1 are currently predominant, and various old omicron variants are still being detected. “There are many subgroups of already known virus variants. About every four to six months a new variant takes over,” Valipour concluded.

The numbers at a glance

ÖGK reports of incapacity for work or sick leave due to Corona in Vienna:

  • KW 35: 1,834 Corona cases (2023: 1,414)
  • KW 34: 1,651 Corona cases (2023: 1,280)
  • KW 33: 1,370 Corona cases (2023: 914)

According to the City of Vienna's wastewater monitoring, the virus load value in Vienna is currently 256.5 (as of September 3). For comparison: on August 21, the value was still below 200, and a month ago it was below 145. (Symbolic photo) | Photo: meinbezirk.at

Virus load values ​​from wastewater monitoring in Vienna:

  • 3. September: 256,5
  • 21. August: still 198.9
  • 3. August: 144,0

SARI Dashboard – Corona patients in Vienna:

  • KW 35: 33 normal wards, 1 intensive care unit
  • KW 34: 40 normal ward, 0 intensive care unit
  • KW 33: 38 normal wards, 1 intensive care unit

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