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Figure 8: What can be done to control red area COVID? Arrange a wedding ceremony – Can I travel across the province?

FAC has released a draft of 8 measures to control the red zone, what can you do? How do you organize a wedding and give away cards? – Can you travel across the province? Win Big Tu to sign this January 4

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Date 3 Jan Dr. Taweesil Witsanuyothin, MD. A spokesperson for the COVID 19 Situation Center (FEC) spoke on the preparation of the announcement of measures of the highest control areas or red areas. That will come into force on Jan. 4 that this is still a draft. By offering to the Prime Minister as Director of NCCC consider signing further But the basic essence of the 6th edition has 8 items

Is 1. Do not use buildings or places that are at risk of transmission of disease. Or prohibiting the use of buildings or facilities of all types of schools or educational institutions located in the highest controlled areas. Emphasize that Article 16 is still used, the maximum control area is 28 provinces, which will be red according to the number of encountered a lot of patients plus the neighborhood that wants to be red as well. Prachuap Khiri Khan is white, Phetchaburi may have come across because it is close to each other. In practice, the announcement is covered in red as well.

2. Do not organize activities that risk disease control. Such as meetings, seminars, catering, and distribution of food, unless it is operated by a competent official or authorized by an officer. Many people ask that the wedding card has been distributed. Invite only family members, not many people, we open the same channel. Must get permission from the competent official Must request and have public health measures to support By allowing the provincial governor / Bangkok By Provincial Communicable Disease Committee / Bangkok Establish rules for considering permission of the competent official to be suitable for the situation in each area.

3. Closing of locations at risk of transmission of disease. To the provincial governor / Bangkok. By virtue of the communicable disease law to consider ordering the closure of service establishments, establishments that resemble pubs, bars The karaoke is located in the situation area designated as the maximum control area.

4. Food matters if closed Some locations are restaurants in tourist attractions. Only the people come. After eating, they will be taken home. Throwing away all the dirty things And it is not crowded, must it be hit as well? Therefore has a new body Conditions for operation in the highest regulated areas The following places, businesses or activities shall be operated under the conditions, time conditions and organization of various regulations prescribed. (1) Distribution of food and beverages to organize service access, number of consumers sitting in the store The establishment of the site is in accordance with the guidelines and preventive measures prescribed by the government.

It may be the nature of bringing back to consumption elsewhere by having Prof. PAD and NCCC jointly consider formulating and supervising the implementation of the said practices and measures of each. Provincial area to be suitable Is to give the power of the Communicable Diseases Committee in Phijanara Province to alleviate the suffering of people operating a restaurant business If you see that this place is the most infectious and have a history of going to a business establishment and all are stuck together, it is forbidden to bring it home like Yue. If it is further, it may be possible to take action. Dine in the store with various measures followed (2) selling liquor for restaurants A place where liquor is sold Do not consume liquor and alcoholic beverages in the store.

5. Department stores are open for business as usual. Orders to close or open appropriate measures, places for the governor to order opening and closing in various areas Additional than the designation

6. Travel across provinces Will I ban it? Now not banned But the screening of traveling across provinces allows officers to inspect and screen travel using transport routes across provincial areas, especially those traveling by persons from the highest controlled areas. In this regard, measures must be carried out in accordance with the measures prescribed by the BCC by considering the suitability of the area. And not causing undue trouble to the public People should refrain from or postpone their journey across the area unless there is a necessity. There may be more stages set. To screen people not necessary, do not travel.

7. Work From Home And 8. The ad hoc committee shall consider loosening the regulations on measures and prevent deterrence, proposing to the Prime Minister for permission to relax or tighten the measures applicable to the place, business, and additional activities as appropriate in the circumstances it deems appropriate.

“This is an item that may follow this or change depending on the power of the Prime Minister as Director of the NCCC, which the NSC Secretary will present for consideration. Will be issued on January 4 or not, at the discretion of the Prime Minister. And the cooperation of the people, “said Thaweesilp.

Asked if the province was not infected but received red measures. Thaweesilp, MD. Said that the measures map with the real epidemic map is different. We have to add more color than before to prevent the outbreak. Measures must lead the outbreak 1-2 steps, will the white space be sure that it will always be white? If it does come off, it may be as stuck as he is, if it is to be controlled, it must have a buffer area that measures high, as well as a red area.

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