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“Fights, betrayals, humiliations”: what did Yana Troyanova remember the only official marriage

Natalia Romanova

8 minutes ago

Yana Troyanova

Olga, who glorified her throughout the country, Yana Troyanova played in the series of the same name with skill. Her mother single-handedly pulled two children and worked hard at three jobs. The parent was sincerely happy when the future husband carried 17-year-old Yana in a white dress out of the entrance in her arms. At least someone is happy! “In fact, they carried me to hell,” the artist, who celebrates her 50th birthday on February 12, does not hide from her fans.

“My real mother is Alla Borisovna Pugacheva”

Yana’s mother did not expect much from men and had an excellent sense of humor. The future movie star saw her father for the first time only at the age of 15.

“My dad is Vitya, and my patronymic is Alexandrovna. In the birth certificate in the column “father”, the mother wrote down “Alexander Sergeevich”, in honor of Pushkin. She’s such a sweetheart to me! The surname Troyanova is also the fruit of her work, ”said the actress.

Yana spent most of her time with her grandmother. The girl showed early creative inclinations. At the age of four, Troyanova began to tell an incredible story about herself: “My real mother is Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. We were confused with Christina.

Alla Pugacheva

Grandmother died when Yana was five. It’s all about cancer. The loss of a very close person was the first tragedy.

Growing up, Troyanova did not immediately find herself. Graduated from the Ural State University. She defended a diploma in the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud at the Faculty of Philosophy.

She entered the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute at the age of 29. She appeared on the stage of the small drama “Teatron”, and then there was the “Kolyada Theater” in her life. Yana made her film debut at 36.

“No one owes me anything!”

Troyanova’s early marriage developed terribly. “Fights, betrayals, humiliations. When I was in the hospital with a broken nose and a severe concussion, my mother came and said: “I didn’t give birth to you for this.” And then I divorced, ”Yana once shared.

The only joy she experienced was motherhood. Alas, the only son of the actress lived in the world for only 21 years. Nikolai became a hostage to dangerous habits. His life was tragically cut short.

Having met director Vasily Sigarev, Troyanova spent more than 15 years next to him. However, she could not force herself to officially formalize the relationship. “I am horrified that the next day they will tell me:“ Boil the chicken. And they will give in the face, ”the actress admitted.

Yana Troyanova and Vasiliy Sigarev

It was Sigarev who brought Yana to the cinema. At first, listening to her childhood memories, he wrote the script for the drama “Top”. The actress admits that the reason for the lack of maternal attention was not only the need to earn money: “Mom was young, she took care of herself.”

Yana Troyanova in the film “Top”

Vasily insisted that it was Yana who played the main role in Volchka. After the premiere, her mother asked her: “Are you really waiting for me like that?” Troyanova immediately received a prize at the Kinotavr.

Seven years later, Yana woke up famous – the series “Olga” was released on television. He brought the actress not only fame, but also money. Troyanova assured that all this had no effect on her relationship with Vasily:

Yana Troyanova in the series “Olga”

“Sigarev never fought for leadership in the family. And I have no stupid prejudice that a man should be a breadwinner. Nobody owes me anything! After filming, I can not work for a year – and we change financial roles.

“Troyanova stopped loving me like a man”

And yet they parted, Yana and Vasily. In 2020 Apparently, the actress became the initiator. “As far as I understand, Troyanova stopped loving me as a man. She told me. I even went to a psychiatrist. I couldn’t let go,” Sigarev told reporters.

Yana, on the other hand, was frank in the show “Beware, Sobchak!”:

“I made the decision not to drink, and his decision was to keep drinking. It is clear that we used to drink together, and it was a very cool time, fun. And, of course, he then became bored with me. He’s not a thing, but a free dude who can do whatever he wants.”

Yana Troyanova

And then Troyanova disappeared “from the radar.” “Everything that is happening in our country is disgusting,” she publicly declared. For almost a year now, there have been no new photos on the actress’s personal page in social networks. There are different rumors about where Yana is: Georgia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia.

The next season of the TV show “The Last Hero”, which Yana hosted in recent years, did not take place. According to some reports, in 2023, viewers should still see the fifth season of Olga. A series that is impossible to imagine without Troyanova.

Source: “7 days”

Photo source: Larisa Kudryavtseva, Persona Stars, frame from the film, frame from the series, Boris Kudryavov

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