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“Fighting Whirlwind 6 AI Computer Opponents at Highest Difficulty Shock Professional Players”

Capcom’s latest sequel to the classic fighting game “Fighting Whirlwind 6”, which has been missing for many years, will finally be officially released this year. An experience version has been launched for the game, allowing players to familiarize themselves with the feel of the latest sequel in advance. However, they soon began to realize that the AI ​​computer opponents at the highest difficulty level of “Fighting Whirlwind 6” were not easy to deal with, even some experienced professional players.

The trial version of “Quick Fighting Whirlwind 6” has been officially launched on all platforms, giving some content creators and skilled players the opportunity to try this latest sequel first. Although this trial version is currently only open to players to use the two characters of the classic series “Long” and the newly added “Luke”, players can still challenge AI computer opponents in the game to improve their skills.

In the trial version, the AI ​​computer opponent of “Quick Fighting Whirlwind 6” has 8 different levels of difficulty for players to choose from. For new players, the game’s AI computer opponents will not pose too severe a challenge on most of the lower difficulties. However, just after the trial version of “Quick Fighting Whirlwind 6” was officially launched, many creators shared the actual game screens on YouTube and other platforms. Players have encountered an unexpected and powerful enemy in this trial version-that is the AI ​​computer opponent at level 8, especially when the computer controls Ryu.

A number of related videos, like one recently released by well-known fighting game content creators Maximillian Dood and jmcrofts, show just how powerful and difficult the AI ​​computer opponents at the highest level of the Kombat 6 demo can be . After entering the battle, AI computer opponents of this level seem to be able to predict every move made by the player, make precise blocks, and seize the right time to use amazing combos to launch a violent counterattack, which can consume a lot of players in a blink of an eye. life value. Even experienced and skilled players would find it difficult to stably injure such enemies.

“AI has gradually taken over so many parts of our daily lives, but I refuse to let computer opponents win,” jmcrofts said at the beginning of a video titled “Fighting game AI is too much”

But in the next few attempts, jmcrofts continued to suffer defeats, and even directly set the defeat counter. Even if he finally managed to win a round in the best-of-three mode, he would be severely beaten by the AI ​​computer opponent in the next round, as if the AI ​​deliberately put water on him to win a round, and then from him As if the hope of victory was taken away from his hands, he finally succeeded in defeating the level 8 Ryu after 12 consecutive attempts.

Even Daigo, the legendary player of the “Fighting Whirlwind” series and multiple EVO champions, suffered a lot when facing such a strong enemy. In a video, he showed the process of trying to defeat the level 8 AI computer opponent Long, and after losing several games in a row, he also began to admire the design of the computer opponent in “Quick Fight Whirlwind 6”, but at the same time questioned the computer opponent At risk of cheating, every attack and defense input is almost perfect.

“Quick Fighting Tornado 6” will be available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S and PC platforms on June 2, and supports the function of cross-platform online battles, as well as the “rollback netcode” technology to reduce operation delays, in addition to In addition to being able to compete with players from all over the world, this work will also bring a stand-alone mode called “Global Tour”, allowing players to create their own characters, upgrade and learn various moves from classic characters in the series. In addition, the first wave of DLC, which is expected to be launched next year, is also confirmed to join the two characters of Goku and Rashid.

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