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Fighting coronavirus! Things to consider in the ’14 Day Rule

The statement made by the Ministry of Health included the following statements:

– If you have come from one of the countries with New Coronary Virus Disease (COVID-19) in the past 14 days, you should not leave the house for 14 days, even if you do not have symptoms and signs such as fever, cough, and respiratory distress.

If you have to leave home

– Always wear a medical mask

– Do not use public transport as much as possible

What to do at home

– Do not accept visitors

– Stay in a separate room if possible

– Ventilate your room often

– Always wear a medical mask in the common areas of the house

– If possible, use separate toilet and bathroom

– If there is no separate toilet and bathroom, be sure to wear a mask in these areas and clean these areas after each use.

– Provide frequent hand hygiene (wash your hands with water and ordinary soap or rub with an alcohol hand antiseptic)

– Separate your items such as plates, glasses, towels, do not share them.

In case of developing fever, cough and respiratory distress

– Wear a medical mask immediately

– Apply to the nearest health institution as soon as possible

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