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Fighting Corona with more tests – News

09. June 2020

TV and press report on the Corona testing strategy of Alacris Theranostics founders, Prof. Lehrach and Prof. Church

Bild: © Alacris Theranostics

Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb), Berliner Zeitung and Berliner Kurier report on the Corona Test Strategy the Alacris Theranostics founders, Prof. Hans Lehrach and Prof. George Church. The scientists propose to prevent new infections through several cycles of synchronized population-wide tests based on the new sequencing methods and thus eliminate the virus regionally, nationally and ultimately worldwide within a short period of time in order to end the essentially unbearable situation under which we now (have to) live. This represents a mammoth logistical and financial task, but “in view of the urgency, we should collectively be able to build an efficient infrastructure for population-wide testing within a few months,” Lehrach told the Berliner Zeitung. Because one thing is clear: Corona will not be the last pandemic that humanity will experience.

Additional Information:

Alacris Theranostics GmbH
Max-Planck-Strasse 3, 12489 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 8431 22 5-10
E-mail: office(at)alacris.de

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