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Fighting broke out on Jalan Pancoran Raya, there was throwing Molotov cocktails

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Throw Good molotov seen on the Street Pancoran Raya precisely in front of Jalan Pancoran Buntu 2, Pancoran, South Jakarta on Wednesday (17/3/2021) night at around 23.10.

Kompas.com monitoring, throws bom molotov seen from the direction of the crowd from inside Gang Pancoran Buntu 2.

Good Molotov was seen exploding several times.

Also read: Fighting occurred on Pancoran Street, the road was closed

A group of people responded by throwing Molotov cocktails with stones from the side of Jalan Raya Pancoran.

Police officers have arrived at the location.

Saat in, Jalan Pancoran Raya is closed from the Pancoran Statue intersection.

It is not yet known the causes and actors involved in the brawl.

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